The Last Storme: Session 4 - The Sixteen

Missions/Quests Completed

20th SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Captain Myron is eventually swayed to halt his plans for executing the Zmumadian tribal patients. Doctor Ada Arztin passionately appeals to him, proposing an alternative solution. She suggests confining the tribal patients to a single cell block under tight guard. If the murders persist, it would absolve the tribal patients of guilt, indicating that the true murderer remained at large. Captain Myron relents, instructing the patients to remember this pivotal decision and demanding that the wave of murders come to an end.   Doctor Ada Arztin proceeds to resume her duties within the Psychiatric Building, focusing on her responsibilities. Ajax Wursor is escorted back to his cell, and Sister Prudence remains with the inmates until they are escorted to their respective cells. Attempting to converse with the elderly tribal patient, she notices his reluctance to speak openly in the presence of guards.   Sister Prudence returns to her chapel and completes her nighttime rituals. During this period of reflection, she engages in prayer to Dalli, her deity, and unexpectedly hears a voice within her mind. The voice, seemingly Dalli's, commends her for her compassion and loyalty. Confused and shaken by this enigmatic encounter, she eventually retires for the night. Unbeknownst to her, the voice was not a divine message from her god, but rather the manipulation of Russell Tideborn's magic.   21st SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The following morning, Ajax Wursor awakens to discover a steak awaiting him on a silver platter. He devours it ravenously. Meanwhile, Doctor Ada Arztin starts her day by heading to her office, only to encounter the lifeless body of an orderly. Alarmed, she rushes to seek assistance and encounters Doctor Walmdas Kluw. Learning of the incident, he instructs her to proceed to the Prison Building to alert the guards. Doctor Ada complies, and the guards promptly converge on the scene under Doctor Walmdas's orders.   Taking advantage of the guards' departure, Sister Prudence seizes the opportunity to interrogate the elderly tribal patient. Turning invisible, she navigates to the upper-north cellblock and engages in conversation with him. The patient identifies himself as Lenni and discloses that the symbol on the deceased patient's bodies represents a plea for help. He also shares that Russell Tideborn, despite his exterior, is linked to the Zmumadian tribes through his upbringing among the Chernikin. Lenni reveals more information conditional on Sister Prudence's assistance, asking her to arrange a meeting with Lokanth Wursor without attracting attention. She agrees and proceeds to post a letter to Lokanth, arranging a secretive rendezvous.   Meanwhile, Russell Tideborn accompanies the guards as they approach Doctor Ada Arztin's office. Inside, they find the orderly who had previously stumbled upon Russell, Sister Prudence, and Doctor Ada at the murder scene. The orderly lies dead, bearing marks of strangulation and an inkwell brutally lodged in his mouth, shattering his teeth. A forced entry into a filing cabinet has resulted in the removal of multiple files. Doctor Ada inspects the scene while Russell assists in cleaning the office. The two converse, with Russell sharing details about his book. After setting the book aside to continue his cleaning, Russell leaves the room. Unbeknownst to him, Sister Prudence sneaks in, invisibly takes his book, and reads through it. The book outlines various unsolved and gruesome crimes across Vilia, ending with sixteen blank pages.   As Sister Prudence tries to discreetly return the book, her attempt falters, and Russell, sensing her presence, confronts her. A magical altercation ensues, but Sister Prudence dispels her invisibility to reason with him. An intense argument ensues, fueled by their mutual suspicion of each other's involvement in the murders.   Their dispute is interrupted by Doctor Walmdas, who instructs Russell to complete the office cleaning and Sister Prudence to resume her duties. He then summons Doctor Ada to his office. During their meeting, he queries her opinion on Captain Myron's actions. She conveys her belief in his instability, prompting Doctor Walmdas to direct her to arrange a secret meeting with Captain Myron in the Storage Room that evening. She agrees, receiving a warning that what transpires afterward must never be discussed again.   Throughout the day, Russell Tideborn retreats to his room and employs an augury spell to communicate with his patron. He questions whether the Zmumadian inmates might possess valuable information about the murderer. While the patron's response is unclear, a sudden gust of wind extinguishes a candle beneath his door.   Later that evening, Doctor Ada informs Captain Myron about Doctor Walmdas's desire to meet him. Although hesitant, Captain Myron agrees to attend. They convene in the storage room, where Captain Myron is confronted not by Doctor Walmdas, but by Ajax Wursor, who emerges from the shadows in his Lycanthropic form.
Report Date
29 Apr 2023
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