4. Phlegethos Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

4. Phlegethos

The Fourth Hell of Phlegethos is a mountainous inferno of volcanoes divided by valleys of lava rivers and lakes, bordered by glowing-hot sands. Even the rain is fiery.


Defined by pervasive and constant volcanism, the earth is burning-hot sand where it isn't flows of magma or slopes of sharp obsidian. The sky is a black, starless void that rains fire and is constantly polluted with ash and smoke.   In the valleys between these mountains, the lava gathers in pools and lakes. Because of the layer's immense heat, it never cools.

Localized Phenomena

Fire in this layer has a malicious will, and is attracted to creatures that cannot resist it. In fact, one particular lava lake, called the Pit of Flame, can even incinerate creatures normally immune to the element.


Phlegethos is constant fire. Even the stone is molten, soft and melting even where it isn't magma. There is no water in this realm, not even steam.

Natural Resources

Lava from the Pit of Flame can burn even creatures ordinarily immune to the element. For this reason, it is much in demand.
Mountain Range
Location under
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Owning Organization