6. Malbolge Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

6. Malbolge

The Sixth Hell is a mess of viscera and bone and hair, formed from the grossly misshapen corpse of its former Archduchess.


Malbolge's geography is composed entirely of viscera. Its forests are twistings of matted hair, its mountains misshapen outcroppings of bone, its lakes and rivers flow with bodily fluids—bile, blood, spinal fluid, pus—instead of water, and its caverns bear the uncomfortable texture of intestines.

Localized Phenomena

The layer absorbs the bodies and body parts of those who are injured or killed here. Any injury, from a papercut to a decapitation, gives a part of the injured creature to the Hell. Corpses are absorbed entirely.


Malbolge was once ruled by Archduchess Malagard, a night hag controversially appointed by Asmodeus. However, the Supreme Master himself also ended her reign, and in doing so transformed the realm.   The hag was patrolling her lair when she began to hack and cough and expand grotesquely like an inflamed sore, to the point where her body formed the new geography of the lair. Her entrails became caverns, her hair became forests, her ribs became mountains, and her skull formed a citadel.   It was after this transformation that Glasya made her entrance on a golden palanquin and installed herself in luxury.
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Included Locations
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Owning Organization

Cover image: Skull Cave by Juan Diego Leon