3. Minauros Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

3. Minauros

The Third Hell is a fetid bog of corruption and decay. Breathing creatures struggle against the unending odour and cancerous fumes, and solid objects constantly sink in its marshy surface. Even the City of Minauros is held up only by the labour of the Archduke's many slaves.


There is no permanent, solid ground in Minauros. The entire Circle is marsh and swamp. The wetter areas occasionally deepen into bayous that can support larger fauna. The surface of the bog is spotted with man-made pits that never fill, but have a permanent layer of water and decay at their bottoms.   The River Styx flows through this marsh, though it does not dissipate. Waters of Minauros which contact the Styx carry its lethality. The river eventually disappears into a sinkhole only to reappear in Stygia.


Settlements and citadels on this Hell must be kept aloft by constant effort—usually that of tortured souls. The Archduke Mammon also trades for a ready supply of slaves to keep his and other citadels afloat. Devils and other creatures which do not live in the citadel either fly almost without ceasing, or are amphibious.

Localized Phenomena

The swamp has no bottom, nor can it be made solid by any feat of might or magic. Things that sink, sink forever.


Minauros is constantly, oppressively humid at all times. The heat sticks to skin and fur like an oily film that never fully washes off. The unending stink chokes the air, and there is no wind. There are, occasionally, torrents of acid rain which corrode everything from wood to steel.

Fauna & Flora

Minauros is home to not only numerous fiends, but to horrors lurking in the fog and the waters that even the Archfiends of the layer stay away from.

Natural Resources

It has been said that swampwater from Minauros can create an infernal bog wherever it is poured. Unlike within Baator, these bogs can be dispelled, though doing so is no easy task.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization