2. Dis Settlement in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

2. Dis

The second Hell is an infinite city, the Iron City of Dis. It is made of iron, a maze of ramparts, undercities, and paradoxical designs. Under immense heat, the entire city glows red. It is crossed by stagnant black rivers of viscous fluid, including the River Styx.


Out of all the Hells, Dis is the only one to host a statistically-significant number of non-fiends on any given day. These outsiders are drawn to the city supernaturally.

Industry & Trade

Dispater is wealthy in the soul trade, and is a centre of the same. The city itself—perhaps an extension of the will of its Archduke—attracts visitors, who travel there through Avernus to buy and sell souls, slaves, infernal contracts, and other vile commodities.


The city's shape and layout shifts according to the will of its Archduke, Dispater. It also has a unique and localized phenomenon where the The Iron Tower is always in view, and always nearby, no matter which direction a creature faces or how far they move.


As the City covers the entire Hell, it's difficult to describe the geography outside of the city's infrastructure. One arguably-natural feature, however, remains largely unchanged. The River Styx flows beneath the city like a sewer drain before dripping down into Minauros.


The sky over the infinite iron city is a dull, cloudy green, and gives only dim light with no apparent sun.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization