8. Cania Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

8. Cania

The Eighth Hell is too cold for almost any living being except for Ice Devils to survive in. So cold that it makes Stygia feel balmy. Blood freezes in the veins of even the most cold-tolerant creatures of other realms, and the very Weave shatters and breaks like ice when mages reach out for it.


A desert of windswept ice, Cania supports neither liquid water nor earth. The layer appears to be an infinite cavern, with massive icicles occasionally falling from the ceiling to impale creatures below. Crevasses extend forever into the ice without touching bedrock, and man-made tunnels can similarly extend forever if not collapsed.

Localized Phenomena

The cold of Cania cannot be overstated. Most living creatures perish within seconds of entering Cania, their entire corporeal forms frozen solid. Those who make themselves temporarily incorporeal with magic find themselves similarly disabled, as not even the Weave functions normally here.

Natural Resources

A strange and highly deadly magic called Hellfire was discovered here, which appears to be a function of the layer's specific Realm Magic. Cania is the only known source of it, and its distribution is strictly limited. As the eighth layer, Cania is also the gatehouse of Nessus.
Desert, Ice
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Hoth Ice Cave by Paolo Puggioni