7. Maladomini Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

7. Maladomini

A Hell of industrial corruption and decay, where vaporous skies disperse a dour light over broken ruins, clear-cut fields and oily, marsh-like ground stained with industrial runoff. Even the cities which still stand are full of thick sludge and pollution.


The layer might once have been forested, but it is full of clear-cut wastes. What might have once been lake and river beds now churn with oil and runoff from the industrial cities and their ruins. The topography is mostly plains and low hills, but the dominant features are the man-made ruins of city after city.   With no more flora or bodies of water to help cool the atmosphere, Maladomini takes after other Hells in its atmosphere's insufferable heat and toxicity.

Natural Resources

What life manages to begin regrowth is so swiftly cut down and put towards Baalzebul's endless construction projects, to the point that much materia must be imported from other layers and realms.


Legend says this layer was once part of another realm, which was pulled wholesale into Baator during the Realm's initial expansion. This could explain the forests and riverbeds—or, at least, what used to be forests and riverbeds.   The ruler of this Realm, Baalzebul, constantly builds and tears down enormous cities. Driven by an obsessive desire for perfection, he destroys his metropolis as soon as he discovers a flaw, and starts over from scratch.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: Maldomini by Eric DesChamps