Limbo Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Limbo is the Realm of chaos. Nothing is static here, not even time or matter. The entire region is a calamity of destruction, creation, and recreation, with time, space, and all known laws of the world in flux. Magicians of incredible power are sometimes able to reign in this chaos, creating isolated zones of stability.


Limbo is a land of contradictions, where nothing is permanent. Matter itself changes form, disappears, or appears at random. Many have gone mad trying to find order in the plane of ultimate chaos.   One such attempt categorizes the geography of Limbo into three categories: uncontrolled raw areas, controlled areas, and stabilized areas. Raw Limbo defies all regulation, while controlled and stabilized areas maintain varying levels of permanence, usually held together by a strong force of will or lawful magic.


Limbo can contain, at any moment, any form of matter or life that can be imagined - and some that haven't been.

Ecosystem Cycles

Limbo's cycles of destruction, reforming, and reconstruction follows no clear order or rhythm. Some things change form in an instant, others take years to shift. Some things pop into existence instantly, and disappear just as quickly, or remain forever. The only constancy is a lack of constancy.

Localized Phenomena

Every feature of Limbo is specific to this Realm.  


Alternative Name(s)
The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
Magical Realm
Location under

Wheel Placement

The Great Wheel
Cartography/Cosmography by Obsidian Reach, with backgrounds edited by me.