
The port city of Oroth is situated on the western coast of Tinturbean, south of the Shield Islands, and gives its name to the Orothonian Ocean which stretches away to the western horizon when viewed from the hill above the harbour. It is part of the Trans-Oceanic Empire.


The port city of Oroth was first established in 8148 BPC by the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding, marking the western limit of the continent and of the known world. It gave its name to the Orothonian Ocean which stretches out into the sunset over the waves beyond the city.   When the Sundering buried all of northern Tinturbean under ice and brought an end to the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding, Oroth was one of the few settlements on the continent that was spared from destruction, lying far enough south to avoid the worst effects of the glaciation.   The city became part of the Old Pale Empire in 4435 BPC when it was conquered during the Tinturbean Wars that saw the whole continent fall to the agression of the invaders from Myruthea.   After the Planar Conformation Oroth was the city from which the first exploratory expeditions to the Dark Domains were launched, both aerial and martime, in the last days of the Old Pale Empire.   Oroth was also the first to suffer from a devastating raid out of those same domains during the Fall of the Old Pale Empire. The Burning of Oroth on 5th Tuzzle, 3 APC resulted in huge loss of life and left large parts of the city in ruins.  
Magicians' End - Fall of the Old Pale Empire - Oroth Attacked by DMFW with Midjourney
  Extensively rebuilt and repopulated in the age of the Water Kingdoms, Oroth has gone on to prosper once again and it is currently a valued part of the Trans-Oceanic Empire.
Founding Date
8148 BPC
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions

Cover image: Magicians' End - Oroth by DMFW with Midjourney


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