
Tarris is a port city in the Trans-Oceanic Empire on the continent of Tinturbean.


Tarris started out as a small fishing community, formed sometime in the Long Thaw, but dates its true foundation to 4830 BPC when the Rain Street Harbour was completed. This was at the same time as the Twelve Wise Ones were starting to unify civilisation on Myruthea, but on Tinturbean, the population was smaller and society generally less advanced. The new harbour was a major technical achievement and it opened up trade with Myruthea once again in ways which had not been seen since before the Sundering.   In more recent times, Tarris was one of the five Jewelled Queendoms and it was the last to fall to Ixthamon when the Mad Mage conquered them all. Queen Estella III was its last queen.
Founding Date
4830 BPC
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Traditions
Queen Estella III of Tarris by DMFW with Midjourney

Cover image: Magicians' End - Tarris South Dock by DMFW with Midjourney


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