The Book of Rhone

Being the history of the Kingdom of Rhone, founded by the line of RHUON.

The Consolidation

266 BL 255 BL

  • 266 BL


    The Decision of Rhuon
    Life, Milestone

    Continuing south along the Sword Coast, Rhuon witnesses the warlords who are rising up in the vaccuum of the Dark Elder's retreat. Many of these warlords were not present at the Last Battle but stayed behind and seized power over the vulnerable people left behind.

    After one particular event, tales vary, Rhuon stopped the progress of his forces and camped out for three days. During this time, he went into the wilderness in isolation. It is believed by many that he spent the time in counsel with the ENCHANTRESS who set his feet on this path so long ago.

    On the third day, Rhuon awoke his people with a decision that would change the face of the West forever. To have peace, he would seek the crown and that path led to war once again. But his loyalist followers were with him.

    Additional timelines
  • 261 BL

    260 BL

    Segavar, Companion of Rhuanon, Succumbs To Dual Temptations
    Life, Milestone

    Segavar, one of the original Companions, had recovered Iaghulth, a dark-branded Elder blade, from the Last Battle. This blade brought shadows onto his mind and soul. Throughout the campaign he grew darker and was met in darkness by Aoife, a warrior-woman from Ustal. The two entered into an affair and Aoife worked on Segavar's ego and ambition throughout.

    Additional timelines
  • 260 BL


    Segavar Is Introduced To A Cabal Of Plotters
    Life, Relationship change

    Led by Aoife, Segavar is introduced to a small group of warlords in the (rounded area) who have their own designs of power-seeking on the land. To secure his cooperation, they promise him a crown and land of his own if only he would slay Rhuon. But they agree that first Rhuon be allowed to finish off the TYRANT of Muspairhel.

    Segavar agrees to their offer.

    Additional timelines
  • 259 BL

    13 Summer
    259 BL

    44 Summer

    Rhuanon's Army Casts Down Muspairhiel
    Military action

    After several weeks of siege and fighting, Rhuanon and his supporters breach the defenses of Muspairhel. This causes the liberation of the local tribes.

    Additional timelines
  • 259 BL

    45 Summer

    Rhuanon's Body Is Found By Segravar
    Life, Death

    After the liberation of Muspairhel, Rhuon is nowhere to be found until Segavar reveals the location of his body and that the hero had fallen to an enemy's blade. There is much suspicion surrounding Segavar given the nature of Rhuon's wounds.

    Additional timelines
  • 259 BL


    Segravar Slain By His Allies
    Life, Death

    Segavar seeks his unjust reward in the chaos surrounding Rhuon's death and is betrayed by Aoife. Led to a place of vulnerability, as the cabal is wary of Iaghulth, he is set upon by the cabal and slain. His body is found hacked to pieces and the dark blade, Iaghulth, is nowhere to be found.

    Additional timelines
  • 258 BL

    258 BL


    First Queen Holds Her Own But Only Just
    Military action

    The would-be Queen fights several smaller battles with her forces. Aided by Garaed Calaleos, her forces win some, lose some. Her female followers are still with her as well as a smattering of nobles and still the commoners.

    As the opportunistic former allies of her father turned on them, the Queen is forced on the defensive.

    Additional timelines
  • 257 BL

    257 BL


    First Queen Forced Back To Peninsula
    Military action

    The would-be Queen Arosaine, abandoned by all but her most loyal subjects, retreats from Aenar down through the Sword Coast to the peninsula. As she retreats, more and more forces break off and settle in place.

    Additional timelines
  • 257 BL

    48 Summer
    257 BL

    49 Summer

    First Queen Forces Local Warlords To A Stalemate
    Military action

    Having retreated almost to the far west of the peninsula and backed up against the shores of Vael Lake, the First Queen's forces are attacked by several warbands led by local warlords. A large battle plays out that she just barely manages to force a stalemate. During the Holding of the Teeth, Queen Arosaine's forces manage to hold off their enemies for over a day.

    Teeth Hills
    Additional timelines
  • 255 BL


    Defeat of the Valar |Taking of Redgift Castle
    Life, Death

    After years of fighting in the southern peninsula, there remains one prominent warlord, Darsillon Valar who remains holed up in Valar Castle, who refuses to yield to the Young Queen. He has kept his troops in the field for years without any sign of letting up. The war has sapped the strength of the people and especially his troops. A chance encounter between the forces leads to a mustering on a foggy morning as the lines of battle between Queen Arosaine and the warlord Valar. In the horrible conditions, the lines become entangled and confusion reigns over the field.

    an hour into the battle, a hue and cry from VALAR's lines cause his forces to falter and then break. The dead body of VALAR is discovered near his command post. His wounds betray that he was slain by trickery. There remain suspicions over who killed him and most think it was a betrayal from his subordinates. The CASTLE VALAR is taken but gains the villainous moniker of the REDGIFT--a gift of blood which the First Queen accepted when VALAR's lieutenants bend the knee to her in the great hall of the ancient castle.

    Valar Castle
  • 255 BL


    Rhone Founded With Crowning Of Queen Arosaine
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The First Queen, Arosaine, is crowned and at that time the Kingdom of Rhone is formed.

    Additional timelines

The First Struggles

254 BL 243 BL

  • 254 BL


    Eorldom of Eventide Established By Queen Arosaine
    Political event

    As a sign that the power and reach of the kingdom was growing beyond local control, the Queen created and awarded the first Eorldoms in the Kingdom of Rhone. In recognition for his service, the Queen bestowed the title on Garaed Calaleos.

    More reading
    Eorldom of Eventide
  • 254 BL


    The Marriage Proposal Refused
    Life, Relationship change

    The warlord of Cualar, Ondran, proposes marriage to young Queen Arosaine. He has aspirations to take entire peninsula under his authority. She turns him down quite clearly.

  • 253 BL

    253 BL


    First Cualar Invasion
    Military action

    Insulted by her refusal or just accepting that she recognized his goal all along, Ondran leads Cualar in an invasion of the south. This is the first war where the entire country comes together against an outside enemy.

    Additional timelines
  • 253 BL

    44 Summer

    Battle At Queensford
    Military action

    Queen Arosaine manages to rally her people and beat back the Cualar forces at the ford. The Queen lures Ondran and his forces into a trap by appearing to be weaker and trapping him at the ford crossing. The ford is named in her honor as Queensford.

  • 252 BL


    Queen Arosaine Weds The Scion Of Kenear To Secure Borders

    Queen Arosaine, cognizant of the threat to her new crown, chooses a husband carefully and with political acumen. The Kenear family had a strong history in the region and their head of household was only a minor player in the peninsula. The choice cements her status among the local peoples and her husband learns quickly that the role of the High Prince is to serve at the Queen's will.

  • 251 BL

    250 BL

    Cuth Raids Intensify On The Finger
    Military action

    Raiding from Cuthaer intensifies over a series of years. The tribes of the Finger Coast struggle to deal with on-going raids and depredations.

  • 251 BL

    52 Autumn

    Artath, the Queen's Heir Born
    Life, Birth

    Artath, the firstborn son of Queen Arosaine and Osus Kinear, is born.

  • 250 BL


    Invasion Of The Finger By Cuth Warlord
    Military action

    As raids intensify, the Cuth warlord Raonull the Screamer invades with the intent of dominion. He does not raid and leave but occupies settlements on the coast and oppresses the surrounding communities. Several attempts to fight back are punished with brutal reprisals and cow the populace.

  • 250 BL

    249 BL


    The Finger Suffers A Hard Winter Under The Screamer's Yoke
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dominion of Raonull grows more oppressive and the people of the Fingers suffer a long, hard winter. Secretly, several prominent tribesmen meet and agree to send a request for aid from Queen Arosaine.

  • 249 BL


    The Queen Agrees To Aid The People of the Finger
    Diplomatic action

    The Queen receives the messenger from the Finger Coast and mulls it over. She sends the messenger back with her agreement to aiding them against Raonull and his men. As the messenger returns, the Queen gathers her forces and prepares for the campaign.

  • 249 BL


    Queen Arosaine Marches On The Finger
    Military action

    Marching on the Finger, the Queen manages to dislodge Raonull's forces from several small hamlets and scores victory in a handful of skirmishes. Raonull withdraws to the woodfort at Cavas and fortifies for a siege. The Queen's forces surround the fort.

  • 249 BL

    72 Summer

    Queen Slays Raonull The Warlord In Single Combat
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Having surrounded the woodfort, the Queen is reluctant to spend lives on a siege. She challenges Raonull to a personal combat for possession of the Finger Coast. Raonull, dismissive of her prowess, agrees to the duel. The two battle for nearly an hour. During the fight, Raonull slams his blade into her midriff. She snares his weapon and him in her body and slays him.

  • 249 BL

    80 Summer

    In Gratitude The Finger Swears Fealty To The Queen
    Political event

    As the Queen lay in her tent, recovering from her wounds that kept her from traveling, she is visited by the tribal chiefs who express gratitude and amazement at her feat. Having agreed amongst themselves and wary of future raiding, the chiefs swear fealty and enter the Kingdom of Rhone.

  • 248 BL

    243 BL

    Rhone Focuses On Internal Stability
    Civil action

    Queen Arosaine focuses on infrastructure and investment within Rhone. The assimilation of the Finger society proceeds with continuing intermingling as additional defenses and manpower are needed to fend off the Cuth raiding. Over the next four years, the people of Rhone begin to manifest a shared identity.

    The only threats at this time come from low-level raids from Cualar and the Cuth across the Dawn Strait.

  • 247 BL


    Queen Unable To Bear Further Children
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After a pregnancy of one season, the Queen miscarries the child. In consultation with the chirurgeon she learns that the blade thrust from Raonull rendered her unable to carry another child to term.

  • 246 BL


    Queen Arosaine Establishes Eorldom of the Dawn On The Finger
    Political event

    To better assimilate the Finger Coast into the Kingdom, Queen Arosaine establishes the Eorldom of the Dawn and bestows it on Artras Doirnin(character), a local leader. She also grants a number of titles and lands to loyalists and transitions them to the eastern coastal region.

    Finger Coast
    More reading
    Eorldom of the Dawn
  • 246 BL


    Queen Arosaine Establishes The Eorldom of Stone-and-Sea
    Political event

    Moving quickly to reward her supporters and establish control over the entire Western Peninsula, Queen Arosaine established the Eorldom of Stone-and-Sea on the southern coast. She bestowed this title on Culel Aralana, a mature and loyal Rhuani warrior who had served her faithfully since the Holding of the Teeth. He had been gravely injured at the 1st Battle of Queensford and she sought to harness his sharp mind to the task of controlling the entire peninsula.

  • 243 BL


    Cualar Takes Brynhold And Heir Flees To Rhone
    Military action

    Continuing north along the Sword Coast, Ondran of Cualar finally takes the Brynhold away from the powerful leaders of the Brynagar line. Garovin Brynagar, the son of the slain hold-chief, brings tidings to Queen Arosaine in the Kingdom of Rhone.

    Queen Arosaine agrees to shelter Garovin Brynagar from Cualar.

    Additional timelines

The First Sword Coast Campaign

242 BL 239 BL

  • 241 BL


    Ondran of Cualar Threatens Queen Arosaine Over Garovin Brynagar
    Life, Publicity

    Learning of Garovin Brynagar's whereabouts, Ondran sends threatening messengers to Queen Arosaine. The Queen receives the messages and shaves the messengers bald for their temerity and tone when addressing a Queen.

  • 241 BL


    Cualar Attempts Murder of Garovin Brynagar In Rhone
    Criminal Activity

    Furious at Queen Arosaine's response, the warlord of Cualar dispatches a small band of blackhearts to Rhone to deal with Garovin Brynagar. The attempt is foiled by Garaed Calaleos, one of the Queen's staunchest supporters and friends. Two of the attempted murderers confess to their service to Ondran. The Queen turns inward for the remainder of the winter but warns her people to be ready.

  • 240 BL


    Queen Arosaine Leads Her Forces North Into Cualar
    Military action

    Queen Arosaine leads her troops north into Cualar. She seizes a small holding called Galehost and settles in to wait for Ondran.

  • 240 BL

    59 Spring

    Queen Arosaine Defeats Ondran's Second Outside Galehost
    Military action

    Ondran sends his second, Lutrin , with a force that is outnumbered but more experienced than the Rhonish force. Queen Arosaine personally leads her people into battle yet again and defeats the Cualar forces through sheer determination.

  • 240 BL

    65 Spring
    240 BL

    27 Summer

    Rhone Forces Push North Into Cualar
    Military action

    The Rhonish forces move up the coastline of Cualar taking hold after hold. Ondran rallies enough forces to surprise Queen Arosaine's forces south of the Cleave. The battle still goes in Rhone's favor but delays the Queen and her people. Ondran flees back to Brynhold in an attempt at a last stand. Several of the communities taken by Rhone offer volunteers for service against Cualar.

  • 240 BL

    48 Summer

    Brynhold Taken Yet Ondran Escapes
    Military action

    Rhone forces lay siege to Brynhold for several weeks before finally breaching the gates. As the Queen's forces cut down the defenders, Ondran and a number of supporters fled into the foothills of the Giantspine Mountains.

  • 240 BL

    237 BL

    The Southern Sword Coast Falls Under Rhone
    Political event

    With no sign of Ondran, Queen Arosaine places Garovin back on the seat of Brynhold. She rewards a number of her followers with control of Sword Coast holds to protect the border from the northern warlords. Once that is done, she returns home. Garovin manages to put down several small rebellions through his personal lineage and, when that failed, his axe.

A Relative Peace

238 BL 223 BL

The Kingdom of Rhone settles into a time of prosperity. There is danger and the occasional border conflict amongst the newly-branded lords of the land but these are minor conflicts. Prince Artath proves his worth in the mountains and in the field.

  • 231 BL

    Artath Puts Down Raiding From The Mountains
    Military action

    Raids from mountain folk have been increasing for several years. Artath is sent to put an end to it. In doing so, he pushes further into the foothills and establishes small watchposts of which some develop into holdings. After hunting down several of the more prominent raider chiefs and executing them the raids taper off.

  • 228 BL


    Prince Artath Marries Gilane

    At the age of 24, Prince Artath can no longer put off his Queen-Mother's demands. He is married to Gilane the eldest daughter of one of the new lords gifted lands in the Sword Coast.

  • 227 BL


    Queen Arosaine Enshrines The Companions Of The Crown

    The Queen makes the Companions of the Crown a formal group that serve her directly. At the time, the Companions feature a number of prominent warriors and some nobles that have served with distinction. One of the most celebrated is Garovin of Brynhold.

  • 226 BL


    Princess Gilane Miscarries Her First Pregnancy
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Princess Gilane miscarried in the second term of her pregnancy. The resulting recovery did improve her health but there remain concerns. The Queen has the first person appointed to the royal family as a personal surgeon to aid the midwife.

  • 224 BL


    Princess Gilane Dies In Childbirth
    Life, Death

    A difficult pregnancy led to the young Princess and her stillborn child's death on the birthing bed. Prince Artath is devastated and flees Rhuvael to hide his misery after the funeral.

  • 224 BL


    Prince Artath Returns From The Mountains
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After months of no word, even the Queen was concerned about the Prince. Until he walked through the stockade of Rhuvael clad in ragged furs and poorly hand-made gear. He spoke to only the Queen about his time in the mountains and living off the land. He soon took up his usual pursuits but all could see that a shadow lay upon him. Any talk of another wife ended in a cold ending to the encounter. The Queen knew that it would take time but she fretted over the line.

The First Midlands Campaign

222 BL 215 BL

In 222 BL the former King Naeras had been exiled and abandoned by his daughters and the men he had chosen to marry them. As these two households were also gifted the kingdom he had fashioned there was nowhere for him to go and no one from which to seek aid. So it was that he came to the shores of Rhone and the line of his greatest friend.

The 1st Midlands campaign was a long affair that resulted in great success for Prince Artath and led to his marriage to the granddaughter of Naeras.

  • 222 BL


    Penniless King Naeras Arrives In Rhone
    Life, Relocation

    In the height of the cold, wet winter months, former King Naeras arrived on the shores of the Finger Coast. In this he was aided by the owner of a cog willing to sail into the winter storms towards Rhone for one of the Eight Companions of Rhuanon. When Queen Arosaine learned of his presence she immediately sent for him. Arriving in Rhuvael, Naeras was a pitiful sight. Dressed in worn and salt-stained once-fine robes and accompanied by only a single armsmen he was penniless and in grey state of shock.

    Additional timelines
  • 221 BL

    221 BL

    Naeras And Prince Artath Grow Close
    Life, Relationship change

    Over the months, he and the Queen and Artath spent much time speaking of Rhuanon and the tales of the Last Battle. Even in his twenties, Artath was enthralled by the stories of the grandfather that had given so much for a people he had just met.

    And Naeras, as he recovered, gained a bit of his old presence and he took Artath under his wing and spoke to him for hours on end of strategy and war. For Naeras, not Rhuanon, had always been the strategist behind the war. Rhuanon had bound the Companions together but each brought something to the War that only their leader and friend could forge together into a victory.

    And Naeras, having now met the grandson of his greatest friend, could not help but feel that magnetism that only Rhuanon had possessed. Naeras saw that he could make amends for not being there for his friend by aiding the life and rule of Artath, the grandson. So it was that Artath sat and learned at the feet of one of the greatest generals and weakest Kings of that time.

  • 221 BL

    221 BL


    Naeras Recovers In Rhuvael And Tells His Story
    Life, Milestone

    Throughout the year of -221, Naeras was a guest of Queen Arosaine and her kingdom. He was restored to health and gifted with retainers and finery once again. Throughout all of this, Naeras seemed a broken man and always that he was unworthy of such fine treatment. For Naeras harbored much guilt over the death of Rhuanon, her father, and that he was not there to prevent it due to pursuing his own dreams of a crown.

    In time, the Queen convinced him that she held no rancor towards him or any of the other Eight Companions of Rhuanon over the death of Rhuanon. Such little was known other than Segavar had likely slain him. It was only a hint of the guilt he felt that he had presented Vorphael to the teenage Queen before meeting his own demise by unknown hands.

    In time, Naeras told the Queen and Prince Artath of the wrongs done to him and his third daughter. He spoke of the cruelty shown by his first two daughters after he had lavished them with gifts and worthy husbands. By gifting them and their husbands with his kingdom as bi-rulership and how much wealth accrued to them. He spoke of being tossed ungraciously from both of their houses and that all the people that had once adored him had turned their backs on him to face the new powers within the land.

    Additional timelines
  • 221 BL


    Queen Arosaine Embraces Naeras' Cause And Seeks Volunteers To Restore His Throne
    Gathering / Conference

    In the winter, Queen Arosaine called all of her followers to Rhuvael. There she feasted them in the presence of Naeras, for the Companions were still revered here, and toasted to his honor and his loss. Finally, the Queen announced that the Kingdom of Rhone supported the cause of restoring the throne of Naera to its rightful King, Naeras.

    The Queen, knowing the demands on her followers, did not order their presence on this campaign. She called for volunteers only so that Rhone would not be left defenseless. The first to stand and offer his blade was Prince Artath. Though it worried the Queen, she had expected it and thought it a fitting tribute to her father that they would aid his friend in his time of need. Yet she set aside his blade and brought down the great warsword Vorphael, still shimmering with its power and perfection, and gifted it to him once and for all.

    And then she spoke in the old manner of Rhuanon and people rose to their feet in acclaim at her words and they hissed and howled at the indignity placed upon this Hero, the First General. And when Artath's words joined hers, there was not a single person left standing. They would travel to the Midlands. They would restore the Throne of Naeras. And they would be led by their future King, the Prince Artath armed with the very sword of old that had chased the darkness from the lands of their forefathers!

    And an old man, a great general, a lost father; he wept at the love shown by the line of Rhuanon and their people.

    Additional timelines
  • 220 BL


    The Call Goes Out
    Life, Milestone

    From Rhone, the word went out to all those who plied the Sea of Winds of coin for their service. The Queen dug deep into the mountain hoards they had taken in the Sword Coast to pay good silver to every leaky vessel that came to answer that call. And many did.

    The lords and warriors of the kingdom returned to their lands and gathered their followers. But the call went out to so many more and not just the landless but those of other lands as well. Even from Aenar, there were sellswords and warriors serving that abandoned their duties and traveled to Rhone for the Queen had promised glory and plunder for all. To travel to the greatest kingdom in the Western Lands! To win the eye of the Queen of Rhone and serve under the future King. Such an opportunity was not to be simply passed by.

    And so, all across the Peninsula, swords were sharpened, mail was cleaned, and shields made ready; and then they returned to Rhuvael where the Queen held a great feast in honor of all who came to Naeras' cause. There she charged them with their duty unto the great Hero who had given all to break their chains and banish the Dark from these lands.

    And again, Naeras wept with joy at the resounding cheer that followed it.

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  • 220 BL

    73 Spring

    Rhone Comes

    The forces gathered by Rhone left from settlements and docks all along the Finger Coast. The spring winds were in place and so many vessels were hampered by the seasonal shift. The fleet, led by Artath and Naeras and his new armsmen, traveled northeast across the Sea of Winds aiming for the Blackpeaks to make their way inland. From there, they had the choice of heading north towards Domre or heading straight east through the wilderness lands of Earendil and Esalir.

    The fleet haphazardly made its way towards the White River that drained from Blackpool Basin. A passing squall, sudden in springtime, scattered a number of the boats but they successfully landed on the coast with only several missing vessels. Artath and Naeras rallied the forces off the boats and to setting up a camp where they would plan their strategy.

    Additional timelines
  • 220 BL

    75 Spring
    220 BL

    84 Spring

    Two Ships Blown Astray In A Squall Land Far North In Domhaer
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Unbeknownst the Rhonish army south by many miles of Domhaer, two vessels were blown off-course and sustained damage such that they landed leagues north of the intended destination. Undeterred, the warriors on the vessel disembarked and quickly set to raiding a nearby village for supplies and plunder. It was less than ten days before one of the groups, they having split ways over an argument about plunder versus aiding the effort, was intercepted by mounted warriors from Domre.

    The first skirmish of the Midlands Campaign was fought by Aenarian mercenaries afoot against mounted vassal warriors that were expecting brigands. Though initial losses were high, the mercenaries were able to send the patrol into a retreat. Several of the horses were also captured for transportation and likely eating later.

    Additional timelines
  • 216 BL

    161 BL

    Monraven Disintegrates As Power Struggle Ensues

    With the death of King Dioraich Keniran, the families of Monraven break into a fierce struggle for power. Exacerbated by the deep rifts accumulated during the war between Dioraich and his brother, the families tear into each other and the kingdom splits apart over the course of the next decade.

    Additional timelines
  • 215 BL

    Prince Artath, The Victor, and Princess Celoise, His Espoused, Return To Rhone
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    With Naeras blessing, Prince Artath and Princess Celoise, his love, are seen off at the shores of the Sea of Winds to return to Rhone. The chaos in Aenar is too great to risk the overland journey. They are received upon their return with great joy and celebration.

    With Artath come those warriors and followers who served him diligently throughout the campaign. The ones who rose in his eyes through valor and skill as well as those whose steadfastness and loyalty saw them through the SIEGE and more. Upon their return, these warriors are rewarded by the Queen and the Prince with many of them granted lands for their service.

    The Prince also brought back his newfound respect for the horse and its use in war. He immediately set to gathering horse experts and lines and set to breeding his own horses. He made all of his personal retinue begin to train diligently while mounted on a horse. The cost and time kept all but the wealthy and noble from this activity. So, when he rode to battles along the northern border in later years, his demand that all be mounted on swift horses and know this warcraft it was such that his followers were always warrior-nobles.

A New King

214 BL 205 BL

The conflict in Aenar strains the borders and multiple raids occur across the waters and land. During this time, Queen Arosaine and then King Artath focuses on his family and keeping the Kingdom secure.

  • 214 BL

    Rhuaman, Son of Artath and Heir, Born
    Life, Birth

  • 214 BL


    Sran Comes To Diara
    Military action

    Appearing at the head of a small army of Highlanders and Moerans, Sran, the son of Diarlac and Aoife, invades Deira to confront his half-brother who now sits on the throne. Unbeknownst to his brother, Sran had been in and amongst those under Deira’s shadow and playing on their fears for the past . Girded with Iaghulth, the Treason-Brand, it was child’s play to turn them all against his decadent brother with promises of glory and wealth in days to come.   King Siveden responds with violence and the eastern half of Lower Aenar is plunged into warfare as neighbors turn on one another in abundance. Wherever Sran and the Treason-Brand walk, there grows chaos in its worse form.

    Lower Aenar
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 213 BL

    Eorldoms of Swords & Shields Invested By Arosaine

    In honor of their services in the MIDLANDS CAMPAIGN, Queen Arosaine invests the families of Brynagar and Damalda. Garovin Brynagar lost his life valiantly fighting for Prince Artah so his son, Kulin Brynagar, was named the 1st Eorl of Swords.

    Additional timelines
  • 208 BL


    Queen Arosaine Dies
    Life, Death

  • 208 BL


    Artath Is Crowned King
    Life, Milestone

  • 208 BL


    Siege of Diara Ends
    Military action

    After over two years of being besieged, the gates of Diara open for Sran and his warriors. The people of Deira or those who are left come out to the harsh mercy of a war troop that has been outside their walls for months on end. Few survive.   In the end, Sran sits upon the throne on Diara with Iaghulth across his knees as the flesh is peeled from his half-brother's body over many nights.

    Additional timelines
  • 207 BL


    Deira Sacked & Burned By Sran and his Warriors
    Disaster / Destruction

    Little more than four months of sitting on the throne of the Petty Kingdom of Diara, Sran set the throneroom on fire and strode out of the city gates amidst the screams of its remaining people.

    The city burned for a week and by then Sran and his men had already swept through the Solyr Petty Kingdom like a scythe.

    Lower Aenar
    Additional timelines
  • 207 BL

    15 Summer

    Solyr Falls To The Warlord Sran
    Disaster / Destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 206 BL

    The Wasting of Aenar
    Disaster / Destruction

    Around this time, the lands of the Aenari disintegrated into chaos that would last over half a century. The Wasting of Aenar is a decades-long catalyst for instability and war throughout the Western Lands as swords travel to Aenar for personal gain and flee from it only to fall upon the neighbors of this once green and glorious land.

    Many of the vendettas still sung and sworn against today originated during this time as men and women from every corner of the continent seemed to descend onto the Aenar lands and proceed to lose themselves in the ever-present violence.

  • 206 BL


    Sran Razes Moera
    Disaster / Destruction

    Caught off-guard by their former ally, Moera is beaten in the field and its spears scatter before the Highlanders. They continue on to raze Moera to the ground and scatter its people.

    Additional timelines

2nd Midlands Campaign

204 BL 200 BL

The 2nd Midlands (-204 to -200) campaign was in response to the civil war that resulted from Naeras' grandsons rebelling against their half-aunt and the mother of Rhone's Queen Celoise. In that campaign, King Artath led the forces of Rhone back to the Midlands to attempt to restore his sister-in-law's throne. The fighting was brutal and the people, twisted by the grandsons and Vemoryn's lies, believed that Artath was there to conquer and add the Midlands to the Kingdom of Rhone. This caused great discord and kept the Rhonish forces from gaining allies. In the end, they were able to storm the castle where she was held only to find that she had committed suicide in her despondency. King Artath fought against local forces turned against him and managed to place his niece, her daughter, on the throne of Naerim. After that, the Midlands had turned against them and so he returned to Rhone.

  • 200 BL

    Saint Ishanor Brings High Church To Aenar
    Religious event

    Around this time, the young woman who would come to be known as Saint Ishanor traveled the breadth of Aenar. During her years there, she demonstrated her faith and evoked wonders. Her work garnered the first true converts to the High Church from Aenar and would only continue after her passing.

    Additional timelines

The Time Between Queens

199 BL 155 BL

  • -193 BL

    Rhuaman Marries Sorora

  • -191 BL


    King Artath Dies Of Natural Causes
    Life, Death

    He was sixty years old.

  • -191 BL


    Rhuaman Crowned King
    Political event

    King Rhuaman is crowned at twenty-four years old.

  • -189 BL


    Thyaras, Son and Heir of Rhuamon, Born
    Life, Birth

    The son of Rhuaman and Sorora, Thyaras is born.

  • -187 BL

    1 BL

    King Rhuaman Aids Dacama In Aenar
    Military action

    King Rhuaman decides to aid the heir of Dacama, Rhethyl Dacamis, against the usurper. While there were few vassals with him, one was the young warrior Nadon Araeris goes with him. The short campaign is successful although it gives Rhuaman much to think about over the winter. The devastated land and people were a horror to behold.

    Additional timelines
  • -186 BL

    King Rhuaman Formalizes The Role Of The Vassal Warrior
    Political event

    Aghast at the treachery and destruction being inflicted in the rest of the Westlands, King Rhuaman codifies the loyalty and obligations for the role of a vassal warrior. He draws from the traditions of the Companion and the structure of the Companions of the Crown to place responsibility and loyalty on each noble and warrior's own actions.

  • -183 BL


    High Princess Sorora Dies In Childbirth
    Life, Death

    Neither mother nor child survive.

  • -178 BL

    King Rhuaman Marries For A Second Time

    The King is introduced to Tenava and proposes within a season.

  • -177 BL


    Princess Moralei, Daughter of Rhuaman and Tenava, Is Born
    Life, Birth

    A full-blooded member of the line of Rhuanon, Moralei is Thyaras' half-sister.

  • -175 BL


    Knighthood Formally Announced By King Rhuaman
    Cultural event

    Building on the vassal warrior code that he had promulgated a decade earlier, King Rhuaman lays out the requirements of a new vassal warrior. Knights are required to swear to oaths of fealty, loyalty, bravery and respect. It is King Rhuaman's dream to see a warrior class that serves the kingdom and its people and not their own desires. At this time, knights are still supported solely through the benefice of their lord. They are required to be mounted however as this provided them with greater range, speed and lethality. The knight would be the instrument through which Rhone could bring peace to the Western Lands.

    Additional timelines
  • -170 BL

    King Rhuamon Dies Of Illness
    Life, Death

    King Rhuaman falls ill earlier in the year. The affliction weakens him for several months before finally taking his life.

  • -170 BL


    Thyaras Crowned King of Rhone
    Life, Milestone

    At the age of nineteen, Thyaras is crowned as the King of Rhone.

  • -165 BL


    Thyaras Marries Dayana

    The King of Rhone, Thyaras, marries the daughter of a lord from the Western Peninsula; Dayana.

  • -162 BL

    Princess Moralei Mutilates Camaris Heir
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The fifteen-year old Princess was cornered by the heir to Camaris. In fending him off, she used a paring knife to blind him in one eye and mutilate his face. King Thyaras is furious with the Camaris family and exiles all of them. They travel north to Aenar.

  • -161 BL

    Uranon, Son Of Thyaras, Born
    Life, Birth

    After several years of tension, High Princess Dayana gives birth to a wheezing baby boy named Uranon.

  • -161 BL

    -159 BL

    Princess Moralei Blooded In Border Actions
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Openly dedicated to her family and the King, Moralei channeled all of her energy into warcraft at an early age. Despite her young age, King Thyaras, her half-brother, agrees to send her to deal with border raiding. The young princess shows an incredible ferocity and skill in battle.

  • -160 BL

    Cuth Raids Continue Unabated
    Military action

    Despite defensive measures in place, the Finger continues to be harried by Cuth raiders.

  • -159 BL


    Eorl of Stone-and-Sea Slain By Cuth Raiders
    Life, Death

    On a blustery cool morning, a fisherman reported that a body had washed up on the shores in the southern part of the peninsula. The scout that returned was grim-faced as he announced that the Eorl Garain Aralana had been slain since he was seen last night.

    The local lord-knight indicated that it was likely Cuth raiders slipping in small packs, hitting hard once and fading out. The future Eorl of Stone-and-Sea, Masen Aralana, swore revenge on the Cuth and prepared for his enabling ceremony.

  • -158 BL


    Adaul, 2nd Son of Thyaras and Dayana, Born In Winter
    Life, Birth

    Again with difficulty, High Princess Dayana gives birth to a second boy child named Adaul.

  • -157 BL


    Moralei Slays Cuth Hero
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Princess Moralei heads to the Finger Coast to help against Cuth raiding this year. She aids in fending off several raids before learning that the warband of a Cuth hero, Ularn Red-Hands, had landed and been making its way inland. Despite being outnumbered, she led her own followers against Ularn Red-Hands and faced him in single combat; slaying him on the field.

  • -157 BL


    King Thyaras Declares Intent To Punish The Cuth
    Life, Publicity

    Frustrated by the constant raids, Thyaras declares his intent to cross the Dawn Strait for a punitive action against the Cuth tribes in Cuthaer.

    Encouraged by the Eorl Masen Aralana, who sought riches and revenge for the death of his brother. As volunteers start approaching the King regarding a seat on the journey.

    When she attempts to dissuade him of the campaign, the King forbids Moralei from accompanying him and charges her with the protection of his family and Rhone.

  • -156 BL

    -155 BL

    62 Spring

    King Thyaras Death Incites Short-Lived Rebellion In The North
    Military action

    Upon learning of King Thyaras' death and his last wishes, Moralei declares herself guardian of the heir. The lord of Thyr, on the Sword Coast, declared his independence upon news reaching his lands. Moralei traveled north with a small force and put the short-lived insurrection down and executed the lord personally.

  • -155 BL

    71 Spring

    Moraelei Crowned With Guarded Approval Of Nobles
    Life, Milestone

    Fearing further instability while the children of Thyaras are minors, the nobles guardedly agree to her demand to be crowned as Queen of Rhone as the only eligible claimant. Wary of her savagery and battle-skills, the nobles still waver until Moralei swears an oath to bear no children and pass the crown onto the children of Thyaras. She is crowned in a simple ceremony at midspring.

    Additional timelines
  • -155 BL


    Inaline Named Eorl of Stone-and-Sea
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    One of the first actions of the new Queen was to name a new Eorl of Stone-and-Sea. While there was much malingering about the removal no one raised any concern over the action. This was due to the actions of the old Eorl, Masen Aralana, being seen as partially responsible for the death of the King. While Queen Moralei made no statement supporting this motive neither was it denied. It helped that the Aralana heir was of a cadet branch and was barely old enough to hold the title.

    Citing a need for strong Eorls at this time, the Queen named the Lord Inaline to the lands and title of the Eorl of Sea-and-Stone.

The Second Sword Coast Campaign

154 BL 151 BL

When a lord asks for help from Aenarian aggression, Queen Moralei travels north and takes the entire Sword Coast.

  • 154 BL

    153 BL


    Inlyrian's Gambit | Prelude to War
    Diplomatic action

    After the decades of wars in Aenar, even the Sword-Lords of the Upper Coast were tottering from exhaustion. Each week brought marauders and destruction to their lands, fields and people. The shortages and constant grind had even sparked several small wars between the Sword-Lords as tempers and food stocks grew shorter by the day.

    It was these days that motivated the Sword-Lord Certhyr Inlyrian to gamble his lands, his life and the life of everyone that he loved on a betrayal. Desperate for a solution, he began secretly corresponding and meeting with the Rhonish Eorl of Swords. It was his hope and mad gamble in the hopes of gaining support for a Rhonish invasion, led by the warrior-queen Moralei herself, to save the Upper Sword Coast.

    By conquering it.

    More reading
    Inlyrian's Gambit
  • 153 BL

    Queen Moralei Founds The Circle Of Ravens

    Circle of Ravens founded by Queen Moralei. With an eye towards the future, the Queen instituted the Circle and charged it with being one of the most feared units in the Western Lands.

    More reading
    Raven Circle
  • 152 BL

    27 Summer

    Uranon, Heir of Rhone, Drowns In Vael Lake
    Life, Death

    The heir of Rhone, Uranon, is taken swimming by his mother, Dayana, and her attendants. Uranon falls into the lake and drowns before he can be rescued by anyone. Dayana falls into a deep depression and begins to neglect Adaul.

    Vael Lake
  • 151 BL


    All Of The Sword Coast Is Now In Rhone's Hands
    Life, Achievement/ Win

The Queen Looks North

150 BL 141 BL

1st Aenarian War

144 BL 141 BL

  • -142 BL


    Lyrstone Bridge Destroyed By Queen Moralei
    Disaster / Destruction

    To cut off support from Aenar proper, Queen Moralei ordered the bridge demolished which helped isolate the neighboring clans and Deira.

A New Day Dawns On Rhone

140 BL 110 BL

  • 140 BL

    Queen Moralei Rebuilds Lyrstone Bridge
    Construction beginning/end

    With the cessation of hostilities in Lower Aenar, Queen Moralei ordered the Lyrstone Bridgefort rebuilt.

    Additional timelines
  • 138 BL

    Corpse-Hall Granted To The Raven Knights
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Raven Circle growing in numbers and the Queen seeking to maintain their position in the Upper Sword Coast she cast about for locations for a hall. The ruined keep of the , itself built upon an even older foundation from the days of the Dark Elder was vacant and crumbling since they had removed the renegade band, the Resolute Banner from it.

    Once the Raven-Knights had moved in, it gained a new name which it is called to this day-Ravenscrag.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 138 BL

    Prince Adaul Marries For The First Time

    His bride chosen by his aunt, the Queen, Adaul marries the daughter of a prominent Rhuani family. This marriage is doomed to tragedy as neither she nor her first child survive the birth.

  • 137 BL


    Queen Moralei Abdicates In Favor Of Adaul
    Political event

    Additional timelines
  • 129 BL

    King Adaul Marries Inenya Araeris
    Life, Relationship change

    King Adaul meets Inenya Araeris, a beauty at 19 years old, and takes her as his bride by the end of the year. The Araeris family is overjoyed to have found such favor with the Throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 129 BL


    Moralei Travels To Cuthaer To Find Vorphael

    More reading
  • 121 BL


    Eorldom of Swans Established By King Adaul
    Political event

    After significant pressure and repeated requests from the Rhuani nobles in Aenar, the King establishes the Eorldom of Swans. It encompasses the lands from the southern coast of Lower Aenar to Cinderbane Keep in a narrow swath. For any number of reasons, including lobbying from his wife, the King appoints his father-in-law, Cerdan Araeris, as the 1st Eorl of Swans.

    Lower Aenar
    Additional timelines
  • 116 BL


    Eorl Danovar Araeris Succeeds His Father In Swans
    Life, Organisation Association

    With the death of his father, Danvonar Araeris assumes the position of the Eorl of Swans.

    Lower Aenar
    Additional timelines

The Giantswar

109 BL 106 BL

Ever since the flight of the ELDER, the Giants held strong and aloof in their ancient stone holds nestled in the GIANTSPINE MOUNTAINS. At the beginning of the 2nd century of Rhone's existence, this changed with a series of brutal, overwhelming attacks. Warbands led by great Giant warlords and their human mountain tribe subjects poured out of the mountain range to fall upon the growing Rhonish peoples.

  • 109 BL

    106 BL

    Military action

    The GIANTSWAR was fought between Rhone and surrounding lands against an incursion of Giants from the mountains. Leading the most barbaric of mountain clans against the lands of men, the devastation was nearly overwhelming. The War finally ended at the Battle of Turgas Rock wherein the Giant-King was slain.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 108 BL


    Giants Begin Raiding The Sword Coast
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 107 BL

    81 Winter

    King Uryas of Rhone Crowned
    Era beginning/end

    King Uryas of Rhone is crowned in early spring and begins making preparations for war.

    Additional timelines
  • 106 BL

    37 Winter

    Battle of Turgas Rock
    Military action

    The Giantswar ends at the Battle of TURGAS ROCK where the KRAL of the Giants is slain. The great warleader is slain by Medevir Varandus, a Companion of the Crown, who sought vengeance for the death of King Adaul.

    Additional timelines

Second Placeholder

105 BL 93 BL

  • 101 BL

    Kelsaran Hero Granted The Green Tower & Lands

    After slaying a dark power within the woods, the King declared the head of the Kelsara family a landower and handed over the keys to the GREEN TOWER. His writ did not extend into the heart of the tower despite his constant requests.

    Additional timelines
  • 97 BL

    96 BL


    Fall of House Cedarus | Matriarch Threatens Line of Rhuanon
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Fully engulfed in her madness and grief, the paranoid and volatile LADY LAULOENA CEDARUS burst forth when in the company of KING URYAS. In her raging screed, she threatened the life of the KING and his family. She was immediately taken into custody and held until her execution.

    In the ensuing year, the CEDARUS family was stripped of their parcels in the CROWN LANDS near Rhuvael and left with only their name and lineage. This began nearly thirty years of impoverishment for the family.

    The Church felt that she should be burned at the stake but the King relented to her Rhuani family's long lineage and achievements. LADY LAULOENA was beheaded and her body turned over to the Church for public burning.

2nd Aenarian War

92 BL 87 BL

Rhone captures all of Aenar at this time.

  • 90 BL


    Eorl Dalovar Araeris of Swans Murdered In Bedchambers
    Life, Death

    Midwinter, EORL DALOVAL of SWANS is found slain in his bedchambers by assassins unknown. Most presume that an Aenari clan-vendetta had finally succeeded against him. But there are those who suggest caution and look to the Throne for answers. DALOVAL is the last ARAERIS to rule the Eorldom.

    Additional timelines
  • 87 BL

    Aenar Belongs To Rhone
    Military action

  • 87 BL


    Between-The-Waters Granted To Kaethar

    Prior to doing so though, the King carved out a new Eorldom from portions of SWANS and virgin land to ensure that the northern border would have enough protectors: the Eorldom Between-The-Waters. This honor was given to the Aenari clan that had shown such honor in the struggle to end the War: Areia Kathaer.

    Upper Aenar
    Additional timelines
  • 87 BL

    48 Winter

    King Appoints New Eorl of Swans & Diminishes Araeris
    Life, Identity

    In the aftermath of the 2nd Aenarian War, King Uryas demotes the Araeris for their role in the hostilities and blatant incompetence at the position's duties.

    For his service to the crown, Talaer Galaenis is invested in the position of Eorl of Swans in Lower Aenar.

Another Placeholder

86 BL 1 BL

  • 52 BL


    King Thoryion Sets Aside His First Wife
    Life, Relationship change

    After nearly eight years of marriage, King Tharyion and the High Princess NAME have failed to produce an heir. After over a year of pressure by other lords, Tharyion sets her aside to satisfy those clamoring for an heir.

    Additional timelines
  • 52 BL


    King Thoryion Announces Wedding For Winter
    Life, Publicity

  • 52 BL

    68 Winter
    52 BL

    79 Winter

    King Tharyion's Wedding Is Disrupted
    Political event
    Additional timelines
  • 49 BL


    King Tharyion Is Married To Betrothed

    With the Eorlswar ended and the King victorious, the wedding finally takes place.

  • 48 BL

    38 BL

    The Forming Of Bonds
    Political event

    Years are spent reallocating fiefs and ensuring that no one person grows too strong. Many new knights are granted lands but made subordinate to other nobles in order to place individuals with loyalty to kingdom first in the ranks.

  • 47 BL


    Ariam, Heir to Rhone, Is Born To King Tharyion
    Life, Birth

    Putting to rest rumors of infertility, King Tharyion and his new wife produce a strong male child, Ariam.

  • 44 BL


    Thyr Keep Given To Noramyr Family
    Life, Wealth

    Continuing with his distribution of properties throughout the kingdom, the King placed Thyr Keep into Noramyr hands. The keep had been ill-used for a few decades and required more attention and care. The King offered to staff it with soldiers in exchange for their maintenance of it.

    Thyr Keep
    Additional timelines
  • 25 BL

    36 BL

    Expansion In The North Displaces Several Sword-Lords [SWORD COAST].[strike][/strike]
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 19 BL

    17 Spring

    Crown Prince Ariam Dies
    Life, Death

    Crown Prince Ariam, the heir to Rhone, dies at the youthful age of 27 years. He leaves behind his two-year old daughter, Ellavaine, as the heir of the Line of Rhuanon and the Rhonish Throne.

  • 9 BL


    King Tharyion of Rhone Dies Peacefully Of Old Age
    Life, Death

    After a long bout of fading health, King Tharyion's life ends after a long and prosperous reign. Having prepared for his demise long ago, the appointment of a Regent until Ellavaine comes of age. The Regent NAME...

    Additional timelines
  • 9 BL

    5 BL


    Regent Holds The Throne Until Ellavaine Reaches Majority
    Political event

    Upon the death of her father, ELLAVAINE-the heir to the Throne-and the Kingdom of Rhone is placed under the watchful eye of Regent Silar Valagos. He holds the peace until she comes of age.

The Vacant Throne

1 ET 15 ET

  • 12 ET

    Swans Grows Ambitious; Increased Raiding From The Sea of Winds
    Military action

    In Aenar, the Eorl of Swans begins to encroach on the lands of Dacamis. The Lord of Dacamis protests these moves and asks for aid.

    Elsewhere in Rhone, the tempo of raids from Cuth across the waters and overland brigands from the mountains and the east put pressure on many of the fiefs of Rhone.

  • 13 ET

    Continued Tension In Aenar
    Military action

    Despite the rumblings of southern lords, the tension in Aenar grows and several pitched but small conflicts break out amongst the various Rhonish lords there.

  • 14 ET


    Incursion From The Highlands
    Military action

    In the lands of the Upper Aenar, there comes news of highlanders sweeping out of Ustal and the Soaire Highlands into Aenar and Rhonish lands. The Highlanders have held Ustal for some time now without too many incidents but this brings an onslaught of raiding and brigandage.

    Given the foreign nature of the threat, once word is received in Rhuvael, the Regent sends out riders to all of Rhone seeking volunteers for a defensive action against the raiding. Many answer and the highlanders are pushed back to Ustal.

    Additional timelines
  • 14 ET


    Tension Between The Northern Eorls
    Political event

    Word filters out even before official messengers bring word that the Eorl Between-The-Waters and the Eorl of the Winds were accusing the Eorl of Swans of using the highlander incursion to continue encroaching upon neighboring lands and pressuring the local inhabitants into his sphere in exchange for protection.

    Additional timelines

The Vacant Throne

The Kingdom of Rhone is empty and quiet in the wake of the Queen's Crusade departure. The steady hand of Queen's Regent, SILAR VALAGOS, keeps the peace.

  • 12 ET

    Swans Grows Ambitious; Increased Raiding From The Sea of Winds
    Military action

    In Aenar, the Eorl of Swans begins to encroach on the lands of Dacamis. The Lord of Dacamis protests these moves and asks for aid.

    Elsewhere in Rhone, the tempo of raids from Cuth across the waters and overland brigands from the mountains and the east put pressure on many of the fiefs of Rhone.

  • 13 ET

    Continued Tension In Aenar
    Military action

    Despite the rumblings of southern lords, the tension in Aenar grows and several pitched but small conflicts break out amongst the various Rhonish lords there.

  • 14 ET


    Incursion From The Highlands
    Military action

    In the lands of the Upper Aenar, there comes news of highlanders sweeping out of Ustal and the Soaire Highlands into Aenar and Rhonish lands. The Highlanders have held Ustal for some time now without too many incidents but this brings an onslaught of raiding and brigandage.

    Given the foreign nature of the threat, once word is received in Rhuvael, the Regent sends out riders to all of Rhone seeking volunteers for a defensive action against the raiding. Many answer and the highlanders are pushed back to Ustal.

    Additional timelines
  • 14 ET


    Tension Between The Northern Eorls
    Political event

    Word filters out even before official messengers bring word that the Eorl Between-The-Waters and the Eorl of the Winds were accusing the Eorl of Swans of using the highlander incursion to continue encroaching upon neighboring lands and pressuring the local inhabitants into his sphere in exchange for protection.

    Additional timelines
  • 16 ET


    Regent Issues Royal Decree For Peace In Aenar
    Political event

    After sending messages without success to the nobles and Eorls in Aenar, the Regent issues a Royal Decree that orders all loyal subjects to Rhone lay down their weapons and seek their homes in peace. The decree is specific as to the Eorl of Swans. The strength of the edict and the punishment for its violation is enough to shut down aggressive actions in Aenar. While a few sporadic and minor raids still take place there is no open fighting amongst the different families.

  • 16 ET


    Word Comes Of Strange People Settling In Small Numbers In The North
    Population Migration / Travel

    While there had been odd rumors of sea-going folk from the east before; it is now clear that their existence is fact. The Eorl Between-The-Waters reports to the Regent that some of these people have settled along the southwestern shores of the BAY. These lands have been eyed by northern lords and the Eorl for some time but, now, it seems too late.

    It is gossiped that they call themselves Nothrimi and they are a large, hairy and loud folk. The stories from the East appear to be true and so it is also possible that they came across the mistbound Western Waves. That same body of water that had taken Rhone's Queen from the continent over sixteen years earlier.

    Additional timelines

The Struggles

  • 17 ET


    Fighting In Aenar Flares Up Again Despite The Edict
    Military action

    In blatant defiance of the Regent's proclamation, the fighting breaks out again in Aenar. This time the numbers involved trigger an overflow effect as the forces clashing take no heed of their conflicts spilling over the border of other lands.

    Even if the outrage were justified, there was simply no time to ward off or placate the followers of one faction or the other. The distinction was clear between the smaller lordships and Swans. Either way, they reasoned, the end would come.

  • 17 ET


    The Final Council Of Rhone
    Political event

    A Full Council is called by the Regent and all Lords & Ladies are required to attend and, if they do not, questions will be asked of them. With the continued fighting in the north, the REGENT is perfectly capable of doing the job. A Council consists of all the landed nobility in the Kingdom.

    A Council is where a secular court of authority gathers together individuals so they can figure out what went wrong.

    While much tima had passed since they all gathered together, the small group enthusiastically greeted each other before the lords and ladies had their time in front of the President. Things in the Council became heated when accusations started flying against the Eorl of Swans and his retainers. The retail folks came together to protest something similar.

    As the arguments grew more heated, most lords retreated from the floor and the Regent tried to adopt an intermediate response in an effort to reach an agreement between the two of them. Once voices were raised, the accusations and smears began flying amongst the collected Greater Nobility. It was during one of these rants that the Lord Dacamis physically confronted the Eorl of Swans. The Regent threw himself into the maelstrom in order to stop a murder from occuring before his very eyes. Dacamis and Eorl of Swans continued to scream at each other until blades were bared and it was evident that no route existed to peace in this room and on this day.

    Soon it was just the Regent, Dacamis and Swans in the center of the hall trying to prove their point. Then a scuffle broke out, the nobles actually laid hands on each other and the three of them collapsed to the ground. There was a moment's scream but nothing of any concern.

    But the entire hall remained silent and stared down at the still body of the Queen's Regent and there was a collective intake of panicked breath. Then the accusations, split evenly between Swans and Dacamis, that one of them had killed the Regent...

  • 18 ET

    Refugees From Aenar & Offshore Raiding Intensifies
    Disaster / Destruction

    The constant warfare drives many northern families south to get away from the chaos and blood in Aenar. Unlike the years before, with the Regent gone and the Queen's absence now an undeniable fact; the whole of the Kingdom is threated by full-scale military action. Much of it, driven by the on-going hostilities between Swans and Dacama, takes place in Lower Aenar.

    The Eorl of Swords is approached by the Eorl of Eventide and the EORL BETWEEN-THE-WATERS as well as northern Freelords.

    The Eorl of Swords agrees to meet with the Eorl of Eventide and SHIELDS regarding the growing instability and tempo of fighting which does not seem to be slowing. He travels about the coastal nobles and into the south but no action is taken due to the increased raiding.

    The raiders and brigands doing this are deserters and mercenaries driven west for work, leisure or enjoyment; much like the nobility that preceded them. It was not just these broken swords but also the overwater raids of the Cuth that had drastically sped up their usual operating pattern. These raids and the brigandage kept the forces of Swords and others from riding out for peace. It kept them home, no doubt sharpening pitchforks while there.

  • 19 ET

    Battle Over The River Lyr
    Military: Battle

    Lynyr River
  • 22 ET


    The South Erupts As The Presumptuous Lords Rise
    Military action

    Several power-hungry Families near the Capital decide to seize power in Rhuvael. They invade the capital city and claim control over the Royal Domain and its attendant vassals.

  • 22 ET

    32 Autumn
    22 ET

    33 Autumn

    Battle of Oakstands
    Military: Battle

    A rapid but chaotic response to the Taking of Rhuvael was mustered by a number of the southern families and their forces including many of the Crown Lords. The hostilities began with an attack on the Loyalist camps which rendered them weaker and lacking morale by the following morning.

    It was then that the PRESUMPTUOUS LORDS forces took the field across from the tired and ill-prepared forces remaining. The battle was fairly one-sided such that the traitor forces were able to secure a number of noble hostages before the Loyalists fled the field.

    Additional timelines
  • 27 ET


    Eorl Randuin of Swords Marries Maid Ceolith Rodran of the Midlands

    The EORL OF SWORDS marries Ceolith Rodran, the young daughter of displaced Midlander family, the Rodran. While the match brings little advantage to the love-struck Eorl, it is clear that they care for one another.

  • 28 ET

    Lothyr Family Accompanies Swans Into Hiding
    Life, Relocation

    The Lothyr family under Idwallon Lothyr accompanies the deposed Eorl of Swans into the Aenwold. The son of Idwallon, Conlec Lothyr, is eight years old and his younger brother is only two years old. Later that year, the wife of Idwallon gives birth under harsh conditions to Faidel Lothyr.

    Additional timelines
  • 41 ET


    Bridge Over Lynyr River Destroyed By Moera Again
    Disaster / Destruction

    With violence increasing and pressure building on all sides with the return of Galaenis from the Aenwold, the young Lord Moera had it destroyed to hamper military movements and cause economic pain to those on the other side. By dropping the middle piers, his forces were able to save the towers from falling into the river.

    This situation caused significant bad blood between MOERA and the EORL OF WINDS that many feel is still lingering.

    Additional timelines
  • 44 ET

    13 Summer
    44 ET

    15 Summer

    2nd Battle of Swanhold
    Military: Battle

    A raid in force across the waters to the foot of Castle Swans is undertaken by forces from SWORDS, SHIELDS and Free Lords. Taking the thin line and weak harbor walls for their assault point, the attacking forces managed to force their way onto the ramparts after hours of battle only to be thrown back. The Blackswan withstands the siege and maintains control of Swanhill and the Castle of Swans.

    It was during the thick fighting to secure entry onto the walls that Lady Viveta Sietniece, mother of ELISHEVA SIETNIECE, was slain by Lord Galdur Duna.

  • 45 ET

    45 ET


    Treaty of Widowhall Signed By Eorls & Lords
    Political event

    With a cessation in fighting agreed-upon in the Autumn, the Eorls and many Free Lords traveled to Widowhall at the invitation of Lord Ilvathor for discussions of peace.
    In mid-winter, the Treaty of Widowhall was inked by the majority of those present and all of the Eorls. With it, the Eorldom of Swans was restored and Vaerac Galaenis was recognized as the legitimate heir to it.

    More reading
    Treaty of Widowhall

The Struggles

The aptly-named years of the Struggle were born of the uncertainty and fear that all subjects of Rhone felt when it was undeniable that Queen Ellavaine was not coming back. All of that fear and anger boiled over across the entire kingdom. The Struggles was a time of constant raiding, skirmishing and punctuated by only several major military actions. Even so, it tore much of the stability in Rhone to shreds and left them to dangle in the wind.

  • 17 ET


    Fighting In Aenar Flares Up Again Despite The Edict
    Military action

    In blatant defiance of the Regent's proclamation, the fighting breaks out again in Aenar. This time the numbers involved trigger an overflow effect as the forces clashing take no heed of their conflicts spilling over the border of other lands.

    Even if the outrage were justified, there was simply no time to ward off or placate the followers of one faction or the other. The distinction was clear between the smaller lordships and Swans. Either way, they reasoned, the end would come.

  • 17 ET


    The Final Council Of Rhone
    Political event

    A Full Council is called by the Regent and all Lords & Ladies are required to attend and, if they do not, questions will be asked of them. With the continued fighting in the north, the REGENT is perfectly capable of doing the job. A Council consists of all the landed nobility in the Kingdom.

    A Council is where a secular court of authority gathers together individuals so they can figure out what went wrong.

    While much tima had passed since they all gathered together, the small group enthusiastically greeted each other before the lords and ladies had their time in front of the President. Things in the Council became heated when accusations started flying against the Eorl of Swans and his retainers. The retail folks came together to protest something similar.

    As the arguments grew more heated, most lords retreated from the floor and the Regent tried to adopt an intermediate response in an effort to reach an agreement between the two of them. Once voices were raised, the accusations and smears began flying amongst the collected Greater Nobility. It was during one of these rants that the Lord Dacamis physically confronted the Eorl of Swans. The Regent threw himself into the maelstrom in order to stop a murder from occuring before his very eyes. Dacamis and Eorl of Swans continued to scream at each other until blades were bared and it was evident that no route existed to peace in this room and on this day.

    Soon it was just the Regent, Dacamis and Swans in the center of the hall trying to prove their point. Then a scuffle broke out, the nobles actually laid hands on each other and the three of them collapsed to the ground. There was a moment's scream but nothing of any concern.

    But the entire hall remained silent and stared down at the still body of the Queen's Regent and there was a collective intake of panicked breath. Then the accusations, split evenly between Swans and Dacamis, that one of them had killed the Regent...

  • 18 ET

    Refugees From Aenar & Offshore Raiding Intensifies
    Disaster / Destruction

    The constant warfare drives many northern families south to get away from the chaos and blood in Aenar. Unlike the years before, with the Regent gone and the Queen's absence now an undeniable fact; the whole of the Kingdom is threated by full-scale military action. Much of it, driven by the on-going hostilities between Swans and Dacama, takes place in Lower Aenar.

    The Eorl of Swords is approached by the Eorl of Eventide and the EORL BETWEEN-THE-WATERS as well as northern Freelords.

    The Eorl of Swords agrees to meet with the Eorl of Eventide and SHIELDS regarding the growing instability and tempo of fighting which does not seem to be slowing. He travels about the coastal nobles and into the south but no action is taken due to the increased raiding.

    The raiders and brigands doing this are deserters and mercenaries driven west for work, leisure or enjoyment; much like the nobility that preceded them. It was not just these broken swords but also the overwater raids of the Cuth that had drastically sped up their usual operating pattern. These raids and the brigandage kept the forces of Swords and others from riding out for peace. It kept them home, no doubt sharpening pitchforks while there.

  • 19 ET

    Battle Over The River Lyr
    Military: Battle

    Lynyr River
  • 22 ET


    The South Erupts As The Presumptuous Lords Rise
    Military action

    Several power-hungry Families near the Capital decide to seize power in Rhuvael. They invade the capital city and claim control over the Royal Domain and its attendant vassals.

  • 22 ET

    32 Autumn
    22 ET

    33 Autumn

    Battle of Oakstands
    Military: Battle

    A rapid but chaotic response to the Taking of Rhuvael was mustered by a number of the southern families and their forces including many of the Crown Lords. The hostilities began with an attack on the Loyalist camps which rendered them weaker and lacking morale by the following morning.

    It was then that the PRESUMPTUOUS LORDS forces took the field across from the tired and ill-prepared forces remaining. The battle was fairly one-sided such that the traitor forces were able to secure a number of noble hostages before the Loyalists fled the field.

    Additional timelines
  • 27 ET


    Eorl Randuin of Swords Marries Maid Ceolith Rodran of the Midlands

    The EORL OF SWORDS marries Ceolith Rodran, the young daughter of displaced Midlander family, the Rodran. While the match brings little advantage to the love-struck Eorl, it is clear that they care for one another.

  • 28 ET

    Lothyr Family Accompanies Swans Into Hiding
    Life, Relocation

    The Lothyr family under Idwallon Lothyr accompanies the deposed Eorl of Swans into the Aenwold. The son of Idwallon, Conlec Lothyr, is eight years old and his younger brother is only two years old. Later that year, the wife of Idwallon gives birth under harsh conditions to Faidel Lothyr.

    Additional timelines

Unsettling Times