The fae realm History of Fae Realm Timeline
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History of Fae Realm

the Primordial

... 10194

There is only one species in the Fae Realm. They live in one city under a King once just but then mad. This King experimented on his people, giving rise to many species of new Fae.

  • Age of the Mad King
    Reign of the Mad King

    The King of the Primordials fell to madness in his obsession to become unto a god. He began experimenting on his own people to create new species and races, continuing until not a single Primordial Fae was left. The only exceptions were his children, two daughters and a son.

  • Age of the Mad King
    Rebellion of the New

    Resentful, scared and angry about the torturous methods used by their King to turn them into what the Primordial Fae thought of as monsters, the former Primordials began to rebel violently, especially after their young started to be born in their new forms instead of as Primordials.

  • Age of the Mad King
    Desertion of the Children
    Political event

    Fearful of their Father's insanity and his cruelty to their people, his daughters, Una and Titania flee to the rebellion. Their goal is help the new Fae species avenge their traumas in the hopes it will atone for what their family had done. During their escape, Una was confronted by her brother, the only child of the King's to accept his actions. The Prince was slain by his sister and Una became a warrior symbol for the new Fae species whilst Titania became one of peace and safety. Both came to be adored by the New Fae and rose to become leaders of the Rebellion.

  • 10130

    Death of the Mad King
    Era beginning/end

    After a long fought revolution, the daughters of the Mad King ended the reign of their insane father. He was taken under arrest and executed for his crimes against his people.

  • 10195

    The Split of the Realm
    Geological / environmental event

    The ricochet of power that exploded from the Mad King on his death, spread across the Realm in a shockwave. The pure power it contained tore apart the Realm, leaving the King's Castle Fortress alone on an island as the rest of the landmass of the Realm was broken away.

Era of the Queens

10195 24438

The Daughters of the Mad King destroyed their father. The Fae now live under their rule. This is an Era that was known for the greatest of peace and the worst of wars.

  • 10195

    The Sister Queens Take Control of the Monarchy
    Era beginning/end

    After the death of their father, the two princess daughters are asked to set right their parent's wrongs. There are many disputes among their followers about which should be Queen.

  • 10197


    Birth of the Seelie Court
    Cultural event

    After much dispute, the Fae supporting Titania crown her their Queen, regardless of the opinions of Una's followers. Titania names her court the Seelie Court.

  • 10197


    Birth of the Unseelie Court
    Cultural event

    After the Seelie went behind their backs to crown Titania, the supporters of Una do the same and crown her their own Queen so Titania has no rule over them.

  • 10197


    Fae Truce
    Political event

    The sister Queens call a truce between their bickering followers. Titania will have no rule over the Unseelie and Una none over the Seelie. After the turmoil of the last era, the new Fae species accept the peace and begin to settle for the first time in their history.

  • 10200


    Fae Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Fae of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, now beginning to feel safer to act as they wish, begin to migrate to locations with higher density populations of their own court or to locations more suited to their habitat needs.

  • 10293

    The Swamplands develop the Red Pantheon as National Religion
    Religious event

    As the tribes in the Swamps settled and more and more conflict broke out between them, they began to give thanks and worship to the Gods of the Red Pantheon that revelled in blood just as they did.

  • 10293

    Eldemur develops the Green Pantheon as National Religion
    Religious event

    With the trees offering them protection from the more violent Fae of other lands, those in the Forests of Eldemur begin to offer thanks to the Old Gods of the Green Pantheon and follow their laws.

  • 10293

    The Plains develop the Gold Pantheon as National Religion
    Religious event

    With Fae of similar mindset having migrated to The Plains and the followers of the Faith being very assertive in their beliefs, the Gold Pantheon becomes worshiped across their Flatlands.

    Ryren Thalor
  • 10293

    The Southern Territories develop the Black Pantheon as National Religion
    Religious event

    With Fae of similar mindset having migrated to The South, the Black Pantheon becomes worshiped across the Territories.

    The South
  • 10456

    Formation of the Forest Faction

    The High Fae of the Forests of Eldemur, noticing that none of the Low Fae of their area have high enough populations to warrant a representative to their Queen, Titania.
    They petition to her on their behalf to form a faction with all the Fae, Low and High, in the forests so that they might all have a voice. Titania allows this and the Forest Faction is formed. The Forest Fae that proposed the idea, an Elder Low Fae, is appointed as the first Representative of the Forests.

  • 10457

    Formation of the Ash Faction

    The Fae of the Southern Territories, a harsh and unforgiving land, petition Queen Una for the formation of their own faction like the Forest Fae had, after an unexpected eruption left several Low Fae colonies in need of aid and there was no one to request that aid from their monarch. Una, who had already been considering it, agreed and her closest ally and friend was appointed as the spokesperson for the Faction of a land covered in Ash.

    The South
  • 10457

    Formation of the Plains Faction

    After the formation of the Forest, the Seelie of the Plains demanded the same and were granted the right. A paladin warrior was appointed as the first representative of the Plains.

    Ryren Thalor
  • 10462


    Formation of the Blood Faction

    After the creation of the 3 other factions, the Fae of the Swamplands never sought their own. They were too busy quarrelling among themselves and fighting small savage wars among the tribes, villages and settlements. Noting this, a warrior set out to change it. She knew they would never have a voice to Una so long as they were divided. She started by challenging her own chief and winning, becoming the Chief herself. After she set out and travelled to each and every tribe and clan in the Swamps. At each she defeated their leader and demanded loyalty. Once she had the loyalty of each Swamp Settlement she went before Una and requested a voice for her people. Una agreed and the first Warlord of those blood-drenched Fae became the first representative of their faction.

  • 10502

    Founding of the Academy

    With the High Fae, now known as Elves, having such a higher population than any one Low Fae Species, tensions began to brew as each Faction's Elves taught their young according to their own knowledge. Each Faction resented that other Factions possessed certain historical texts and were wary they were being taught stronger magical, mental and combative training than their own. Seeing the brewing tensions and eager to keep the peace, the Queens proposed a school for all Elves to attend where all would be taught equally by High and Low Fae alike. The school was offered to Low Fae also, who declined in favour of teaching their own young. Since they needed a location no faction could claim, the Queens made the decision to vacate their home fortress and make new homes among their own courts' lands. The vacated castle fortress would become the new academy.

  • 18375

    18 /6

    First attack of the Great War
    Military action

    Disturbed by the attitudes and cultures of the Unseelie Court and swayed by her Plains Fae advisor, Titania sanctions an attack on a small settlement on the coast of the Southern Territories.

    The South
  • 18375

    27 /6

    Retaliation of the Unseelie
    Military action

    Enraged by the attack on the Southern Territories, the Unseelie Queen gives permission to the Blood Faction Warlord to raid the Forests of Eldemur and allows Ash Fae soldiers to attack a Plains Fae coastal village for vengeance.

  • 18375

    1 /7

    6 /4

    the Great War
    Military action

    After the Unseelie retaliation, all out war began. It raged for millennia and sparked eternal hatred between the two courts.

  • 24438

    4 /6

    Death of the Courts
    Era beginning/end

    Eventually, after having seen generation of their people fall, the two Queens met alone on the battle field.
    Their battle waged for days and when it ended, both sisters were dead. The battlefield where they fought was desolated; the half where one sister fell becoming an unforgiving desert and where the other fell, a dead wasteland where nothing could grow.
    With their deaths, their factions retreated back within their borders.

Era of 4

24439 and beyond

The Fae have split into 4 Courts, each ruled separately and each with its own unique culture and ethnicity. This is the only Era of Fae to have had to deal with humans.

  • 24439

    Birth of the 4 Courts
    Political event

    With their Queens gone and no appointed heirs, neither the Seelie nor the Unseelie courts could continue to function. The factions that already existed to give a voice to the Fae people became courts in their own rights, each ruled and governed differently.

  • 24573

    First Recorded Instance of a Human Wandering into the Fae Realm
    Discovery, Exploration

    Whilst humans may have crossed over before this, with the Great War and the upheaval following the death of the Queens and formations of the new courts, this is first recorded instance and alerted the Fae to other sentient races living in adjacent worlds. This sparked the beginnings of the Fae's interaction with the human world, including such customs as changelings, kidnapping or enchanting humans.

  • 27103

    The Plains Fae begin to Fable
    Cultural event

    Resentful of the moniker of Plains Fae and wanting a name more 'suited' to their opulent lifestyle, the Plains Folk begin to cross to the human world and act as heroes and saviours to be recounted in human fables. From this point the Plains fae refer to themselves as Fable Fae.

  • 27816

    The First Ever Half-Fae enrolls at the Academy
    Life, Education

    (Human World Year, 2021)
    A half-fae, something thought impossible by the Fae, enrols at the academy. She is seen as either a omen or a blessing by the Fae. With her is her Ash Fae best friend who was forced from the Fae Realm when her mother was banished.