Expedition Reports Document in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Expedition Reports

Reports of expeditions to Anglwyrd Crossing council.  

Felicity 21 Exorcising, 392 - Wisdom 25 Exorcising, 392

Goldriver, Viserys Rohan, Moonlight Through Rain, Alarë Awarthiel, Sigrid Arnulf, Oksana Bosko, Reika Günay, and one other (Rah Tah Tum, name not disclosed).   Report by SA.  
  • Located bridge site
  • Discovered fish with eyes everywhere, even on teeth, which had the ability to mess with minds in attempt to lure victims into the water. Sharks also in the waters, and on attacking gave their victims doses of corruption. On dying, the shark exploded with corrupted energy, hitting those nearby.
  • First sighting of and interaction with the Aboleth also at this site.
  • We discovered signs that a werewolf known as Sennen Storshoden had travelled northwards from here.
  • We also found a box with ancient elven coins and a circlet. Also within, a letter from Victor to a companion - we later discovered they were part of an expedition approx 50 years ago.
  • North of the bridge, following the eastern riverbank a few miles into the forest, a safe zone we've called Fabian's Grove stretches for perhaps 8 miles into the forest. A peaceful troll protects this area, who we've named Fabian. He is old, powerful, skin tough to pierce. A do not disturb zone - no felling, no fires, no aggression.
  • Between Fabian's Grove and the river south of Bardh roam creatures called Meenlocks. They enchant victims with visions of nightmares and dreams to incapacitate them or cause groups to separate/ harm one another. They access memories to do this, and are aware of when we're aware of them, making them difficult to surprise or capture.
  • Plantlife should be approached warily -- a big tree we encountered had vines come to life to grapple victims and pull them into the tree's maw.
  • The lake near Bardh is thick with corruption, and seems to be how corruption is travelling through soil and weather further south of the forest. If the Aboleth is to be believed, this is where the 'plug' of filth lies, potentially the source of corruption. Fish are still safe to eat, as far as we're aware.
  • Also between Fabian's Grove and Bardh, closer to the river, is an ancient elven graveyard. An ancient cuithgar monolith here used to contain the Speak with Dead spell but became corrupted hundreds of years ago to Summon Undead instead. We fought undead creatures and Goldriver and Rain changed its function to Destroy Undead. Here we first encountered The Keeper -- who we believe is an elven necromancer. Unclear how old this creature is, how they came to be here, their relationship with corruption etc. But he seemed to be the custodian of this site that we'd changed. He was able to teleport out of combat and travelled North East. The site seems safe for now, but any sign of disturbed earth and visitors should leave.

Felicity 27 Exorcising, 392

Goldriver, Sigrid Arnulf, Alarë Awarthiel, Oksana Bosko, and one other (Rah Tah Tum, name not disclosed).   Report by SA.  
  • Followed an elemental creature (who turned out to be a construct -- didn't have a Shadow) out to a peat bog, where it needed help removing a poisonous fog. This was evidently a trap set by a Green Dragon trying to eat us. We were able to ignite the poisonous gas to use it against the creature, and reported the peat bog as a source of fuel. Area safe for travel. In summer, visitors should carry cinnamon to ward off midges.
  • This is where the ancient currency, orb, gems and potions came from.

Early Warming, 392 (notes less reliable)

Goldriver, Moonlight Through Rain, Alarë Awarthiel, Oksana Bosko, Sigrid Arnulf, Reika Günay, and one other (Rah Tah Tum, name not disclosed).   Report by SA.  
  • A trip south of Anglwyrd Crossing found a granite quarry with remnants of a portal.
  • We also found there a tiefling-turned-abomination, who tried to capture and drown Rain by pulling her into water with tendrils. Important to note, we've noticed a trend that if a sentient creature turns into an abomination, they become a puddle of ichor. The less sentient a creature was before it turned, the more of its body it leaves behind: fish, for instance.
  • North West, we discovered a campsite at the eaves of the forest where we found Victor's remains and ghost, who wished to be buried in Anglwyrd Crossing. We were able to speak with him:
1. who were the members of your group? Jacquin Verlis, Victor Thorier, Reginald Thresh   2. where did you travel to in the forest: there was a city at the mouth of the river at the biggest lake we ever saw. it was made of stone and walls. and we were chased from there.   3. what were you being chased by (i'm assuming it killed you): we barely saw them. we were hounded by spears. and the noise, oh queen the noise.   4. What know ye of Reginald Thresh: Thresh funded the expedition. he wanted information though we never learned what. he was keen on treasures and making more money. his family were influential in ypakar.   5. Is there anything you'd like us to know or pass on?: Pray for me.
  • Meenlocks are also active in this area, attacking while we took our watch. One illogical observation broke their enchantment, but most of us suffered exhaustion the next day.

Mid Warming, 392 (notes less reliable)

Goldriver, Viserys Rohan, Moonlight Through Rain, Alarë Awarthiel, Sigrid Arnulf, Oksana Bosko, Reika Günay, Dalitar Amakiir, Reb Itto, King Gummo, Kingslayer, and one other (Rah Tah Tum, name not disclosed).   Report by SA.   BARDH
  • At the river crossing into Bardh, found a washed up skeleton of a huge land creature's ribcage and spine (tail suggests land mammal) that's been enlarged and twisted by corruption with immense pressure over very little time. If the Aboleth talking to Sigrid is to be believed, numerous of these same skeletons are 'The Plug', covered in black ichor at the bottom of the lake near Bardh.
  • Discovered Bardh and the Bullywugs north of the river. The city itself is ancient elvish, and the frog folk are now its inhabitants. They have royalty, whose deaths is their way to mark the passage of time. Bit of a free for all there. Survival of the strongest, most cunning. If you want something, you take it or kill the person who had it. There are exceptions: some Bullywugs don't like the threat of death at ever corner and make allies or contracts of neutrality.
  • Reigning monarchs when we visited: Queen Berthatruda Croak and King Rexalto, after King Eugenistus Croak was murdered by Gummo.
  • Bullywugs mainly speak elvish. Few speak common.
  • The town of Anglwyrd Crossing has a contract of neutrality and trade with the Monarch of Bardh (we made sure to leave out names since the monarch might change often).
  • The elven architecture, magic and technology is incredible. There is an inactive portal at Bardh, we later learned we could use as an exit. To make it an entrance to travel to the other portals, we need a gold, silver and platinum rod and knowledge of how to operate it, which Dalitar/Rain/Goldriver are either working on or have succeeded at.
  • The Royal Dining Room, maybe other spaces too, are immune to magic, or at least outside communications/ psychic powers. Further investigation needed.
  • The quarters we stayed in has rooms where if you want something to exist, it just appears. A bed, a bath, a workstation, the room to be smaller or bigger, it just happens.
  • Foods, drinks, books are magically preserved.
  • There is a wealth of knowledge here accumulated by the Bullywugs on ancient elves, who they call Nargles. Further research needed.
  • Professor Agata Bosko has a portable wizards tower here sometimes. Seemingly it's one of her bases of operations.
  • There are other royal members of the monarchy. We went to find the princess who hadn't returned from an expedition, who we discovered had turned into an abomination. Reb Itto, curator of the Bardh museum, killed the princess and so became the princess.
  • When fighting the abomination princess, The Keeper we previously encountered fought against us yet again. Sigrid was able to track him for 24 hours, and we know he suddenly transported 200 miles away North East direction, presumably by portal.
  • North West of Bardh, following its northern river to the west, we found a ruin where Dalitar Amakiir was trapped. Believing we could get out safely, we explored the ruin before leaving. It seemed to be an ancient elvish guard post. There were some cells, store rooms, library. Interestingly there was one skeleton in the library, no signs of a struggle, surroundings and position suggests it died suddenly over a meal. This highlights the evident lack of elven skeletons elsewhere. This guard post was empty, but not abandoned: everything was in perfect order, no signs that people left in a rush, looted, or locked things away for good.
  • this guard post was, unsurprisingly, heavily guarded. Lots of puzzles to ward off unwanted visitors. Doors were trapped with explosive magic. One room had a Cuithgar monolith in it, like the one in the graveyard, but this one oozed corruption and was difficult to be in the same room with. It had some sort practical use but we couldn't stand to study it long enough. Further investigation needed.
  • The library books were preserved from magics on the shelves. Included in the library books were documentation on how to fight Infernals -- Infernals, rather than Tieflings. The storeroom food and drink was also preserved.
  • Upstairs, there was a grand room with a floor coating of lava and a stone bridge across to a forge, which had infernal inscriptions on it. Within the lava, a gigantic red stone hand, seemingly frozen or otherwise unmoving.
  • While we were there, an immortal cursed Tiefling named Awarth, evidently an ancestor of Alarë Awarthiel, spoke with us. She told us that this whole region is Coraar 'Ath Revar (the name on the currency) and that there's a major city to the north of Bardh. She also said that the elves were victors over the infernals, then proceeded to take the forge and giant red stone hand. Further investigation needed.

Trust 18 Warming, 392 - Trust 24 Warming, 392

Party Split. Goldriver stayed in Bardh.   Moonlight Through Rain, Dalitar Amakiir, Sigrid Arnulf, Reb Itto, and one other (Rah Tah Tum, name not disclosed).   Report by SA.  
  • A group of us travelled north west of Bardh for a few hours, following the Keeper's trail. We found a building with a courtyard that was heavily guarded (4 doors, 3 of them trapped, 4th door is correct). A light source is needed to reveal doors. On a column, Rain drew the formation the light beams need to be in to reveal them correctly.
  • Within, the building, a seemingly empty room with only a portal. This one was functional however, able to be used as an entrance. It was strange that it was so guarded. On trying to gain entry, we heard elvish voices tell us to leave. And during the night, Sigrid inexplicably learned to speak and understand fluent ancient elvish.
  • We went through and entered into a new space, large corridors that were guarded with undying statues and a large goo cube. We believe this to be the base of the Keeper's operations. What they're up to is being investigated by Dalitar, but it's clear they're not the mastermind behind corruption we suspected. They seemed to be some random person who was annoyed at our interferences. No current reason to return other than to ensure portals' safe use.
  • We do intend to return to the building near Bardh however, since we left behind a magical lantern.
  • In trying to escape combat with the Keeper, some of us went through a portal and came out at a vast spherical space where debris and buildings floated in mid air. It seemed a place post-destruction. We managed to succeed in escaping properly, and there we learned that portals without rods, i.e. the one at Bardh, can be used as exits. We recuperated in Bardh until hearing word from the other team.
  Party split. Viserys Rohan Oksana Bosko, Alarë Awarthiel, Reika Günay.
  • This group travelled to meet Sennen, a known werewolf in the forest and someone who Reika wanted to find, believing that he might have been researching the link between corruption and lycanthropy, and how to control it better. They succeeded in meeting him on a full moon, but, and perhaps the council is relieved, he wanted nothing to do with our group or Reika and was insistent that she leave the forest.
  • As a result of this encounter and an unfortunate one with forest creatures, Reika died. The group reconvened at the site and travelled to Anglwyrd Crossing with her body.

Mercy 7 Enlightening - Trust 14 Enlightening, 392

Goldriver, Viserys Rohan, Dalitar Amakiir, Sigrid Arnulf.   Report by SA.  
  • Following reports from Quaf, travelled south east of Anglwyrd Crossing to find iron deposits. Encountered a dangerous creature that was essentially a rock who was angry at being woken up. It fled battle, and probably still guards the area. But we succeeded in finding iron and brought some back. Area should be made safe or miners should be accompanied to this site in future.
  • On the return journey, we stopped at the bridge we built on the journey up to Anglwyrd Crossing (it's still functional). Here Goldriver made a Cuithgar arm out of raw material at the site.

Wisdom 15 Enlightening - Felicity 17 Enlightening, 392

Sigrid Arnulf   Report by SA.  
  • completed a reasonable bridge at the Anglwyrd Crossing bridge site
  • Found tracks of missing scholars who travelled with Dalitar

Felicity 29 Cleansing, 393

Report by SA   There presents no lycanthropy among the expedition groups. We have tested this with ashine, silver, studying effects of full moons, and looking at Shadows.   Contrary to previous information, Oksana Bosko is alive and well. She is adjusting to life without a lupine influence but poses no danger to Anglwyrd Crossing citizens. Instead she has been instrumental in research and medicine.   While Rah Tah Tum and Moonlight-Through-Rain were attacked when the Oksana's wolf form took over, they are not currently infected and given time are not expected to naturally become infected.   Alarë Awarthiel, now known as Vanya Awarthiel, has undertaken noticeable changes to her physique. She believes this will continue until she becomes an abomination, however the rate of transformation has not progressed any further and we do not expect it to in the short term. Meanwhile, we are studying the transformation for a means of halting it altogether. She has not returned to Anglwyrd Crossing this time by her own choice. She has not veered from being safe company.   Considering the minimal danger they pose to citizens of Anglwyrd Crossing and the contribution each has given to the success of our expeditions, my recommendation is that each are welcomed back to the town.   Having said this, I also recommend that should any of the above be hesitant about their safety in Anglwyrd Crossing at the hands of its citizens and/or visitors due to past or present displays of malice, then councillors and councillors only treat with them beyond the town's walls. Every citizen deserves to feel safe in the town, including the accused.   As for me, telepathic contact has been severed between me and my patron. While I can still use the magics he gave me, and I believe I have control over them, it does not appear he can communicate to me or act through me. I will of course still respect the current order of limiting my time in the town until further notice.  

Trust 25 Warming, 392 - Felicity 29 Cleansing, 393

Report by SA.  
The Glittering Chambers
  Oksana Bosko, Vanya Awarthiel, Moonlight Through Rain, Reb Itto, Qwyn, and Rah Tah Tum.   The group explored the ruins to the East as scouted by Quaf after returning to the news that Oksana was exiled. They discovered a sealed and protected ancient Dwarven Kingdom. After defeating its statue like guardians, they were able to enter but not leave without breaking the seal. Inside, they discovered the Kingdom was overrun with a kind of fungus that controlled creatures and kept them alive as hosts, but not truly as themselves. The fungus arrived close to Founders day (according to Bref, approx 1500 years ago) via an infected dragon. Elves in attendance abandoned the site and sealed it to prevent the infection spreading. Five dwarves survived infection and through the generations remain alive today. Among them is one magic user. Corruption did not affect those inside the seal, so presumably the Glittering Chambers was locked pre-corruption, and its seal was powerful enough to prevent it entering. The party defeated the skeletal remaining dragon and heart of the mushroom hive. There were casualties, among them Callista, a magic-using dwarf who was able to revive our party members when we fell. With Callista dead, there was a rebirth as a baby dwarf (we believe with magical abilities) was born from stone.   Also in the Chambers the group found libraries, a map of Davokar, and were gifted magical items as thanks. On exiting, the group broke the seal, so we recommend aiding them on True Night as it will be their first experience of the event and their number is 4 plus an infant.  
La Marais, a demiplane between the Dreaming and the Waking
  Following the Glittering Chambers, this same party went to La Marais. They walked deep into the forest and then seemed to be teleported into the settlement. It was home to harengon and hags who used giant mushrooms as a method to project corruption to the moons.   One of our party explored the Dreaming at this point, finding looping memories of ancient elves playing out as though it was real. They were only able to return via a summoning spell from another of our party.   Later, we prevented a ritual that would be an immense danger to life, and in doing so destroyed the demi plane entirely.   Leaving La Marais both times resulted in arriving in the Waking later than it seemed. What seemed like minutes in the demiplane was weeks in the Waking.  
Returning the Scholars
Goldriver, Sigrid Arnulf, Dalitar Amakiir, Viserys Rohan, Bref of Uri's folk.   We followed their tracks to a cave South East of Bardh, where they seemed to have fled for safety. Within the cave were numerous large spiders and a goblin called Pebble who had tamed rats to play chess. We saw it ourselves, it was wild. Pebble 'helped' us find the scholars by leading us into a trap for Sandra, this giant spider lady who was able to capture people and keep them, paralysed yet alive, in sacs in a kind of shadow plane. This is where the scholars were, and on defeating Sandra who outright killed Pebble for attacking before running away, we were able to remove them from the sacs and get them out of the shadowed space. Showing concerning symptoms of corruption from the efforts (symptoms I no longer have), I did not remain in the scholars company enough to return them to Anglwyrd Crossing but stayed in Bardh.  
Ael Nurnan/ Underwater buildings in Bardh
Sigrid Arnulf, Oksana Bosko, Vanya Awarthiel, Dalitar Amakiir, Reb Itto.   We explored the underwater part of Ael Nurnan, essentially an extension of Bardh but presumably built before the level of the lake rose significantly. The buildings were huge, as though diplomatic spaces for elves to meet with giants. There was a ballroom, kitchens, meeting spaces, and a place to honour the dead. One room showed the journey of the dead via a mural. Another had mirrors that reflected memories a magic user could put into them. Another had a stone table with Gentle Repose on it, which has since been taken to Bardh museum.   Though it was a pleasant exploration, the lake should not be entered lightly. There exists creatures beyond comprehensible power and the lake itself is heavily corrupted at its deepest. Bubbles rising from silt give out corruption, while the deepest areas daunt the senses. We have not explored the deepest areas yet.  
Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties
Sigrid Arnulf, Oksana Bosko, Vanya Awarthiel, Dalitar Amakiir, Reb Itto, Artus Brookside, and Rah Tah Tum.   The Dendomiel portal leads to a fiendish plane of lava and rock and heat. Enter the portal with caution, fiends protect the vicinity. When we arrived, the palace was there, coated in adamantine. There is also a Tree there, a now-dead cutting that, while difficult to read, holds cosmic knowledge that is difficult to take in. I will not lightly write it here.   We summoned Awarth in exchange for aid with the world shift I note below. On arrival, she was introduced as Miss Gorgoth -- which between us we know to mean inheritor or traitor. She collected a giant infernal leg from the lava and gifted back the palace of Dendomiel, without the adamantine, which now sits a few miles north of Bardh. We intend to find out more about her collection and goals.   I appreciate this report is possibly raising more questions than it's answering. I am mindfully reporting information that is useful to the town and do not wish to burden the council with fantastical mysteries we are attempting to solve, just as the council does not burden us with the inner workings of the town when our focus is best kept elsewhere.   Within the palace, now just north of Bardh, and accessible by foot, inhabited ghosts of ancient elves who seemed to believe the safeguarding of the palace would only be temporary. The entire palace was under some gloom effect caused by a Prince of Coraar 'Ath Revar, who carried gloom and darkness with him. He did not seem to be responsive to conversation, but wished to share his misery with others. We believe this grief came from a love he had for a dwarf trapped in the Glittering Chambers, and immortalised itself while trapped in adamantine. We defeated the Prince's spirit and hostile ghosts. The palace should be safe to explore, but be wary.  
Gil'lornomin, The Progress Engine
Goldriver, Bref of Uri's folk, Qwyn, Clymblin.   On the other side of the portal the group found automated beings that seemed to be running the place or doing maintenance. Without having been maintained, they needed some help with the dangers in the area. For this reason, and magic-item stealing cats that react chaotically to magic, we do not recommend travelling through this portal lightly.   The progress engine itself seemed to be harnessing power from an infernal source. We aim to return to explore the engine and its purpose further.  
Mt Ethelharn, the observatory
Dalitar Amakiir, Sigrid Arnulf, Qwyn, Moonlight Through Rain, Clymblin and (Rah Tah Tum.   Through this portal and travelling up the mountain for a few hours leads to an observatory. There didn't appear to be any creatures here and the site itself was still semi-functional. We didn't manage to explore fully, but we intend to as there was incredible information here about the moons. The scientists at the observatory seemed to have built, or been studying the 'new' blue moon.   We didn't find any hanging gardens described in the atlas, which were perhaps a walk downwards from the portal.  
Ongoing findings
  • The forest is rich in knowledge of corruption and history, and less so in treasures that can practically be transported to the Marchessa. The Glittering Chambers for instance had a wealth of gems, but that wealth belongs to its inhabitants. A similar situation occurs with the Bardh museum. Meanwhile water had damaged the underwater artefacts of Ael Nurnan. And sites like the observatory and progress engine are full of technology and normal everyday use items.
  • Goblins, hobgoblins and trolls roam the forest. We regretfully started a fight that could have been avoided after finding ourselves at a goblin camp. All were on the defensive and we made the first move. A magic-using goblin then became an abomination and slaughtered the camp while we were barely able to escape.
  • We have managed to navigate portal travel with minimal problems. One problem being that portals are able to be locked, meaning you can't return should someone lock it behind you and have to walk from the nearest portal.
  • The Keeper was spotted around Bardh, activity unknown.
  • Dalitar has successfully found a way to, with magic and the power of the lake water, move symptoms of corruption from a person into the lake. With further study, he believes he will be able to remove more permanent scars of corruption from Shadows.
  • There has been a shift. We believe the veils between our world, the Dreaming, and other planes have been disrupted, and continue to disrupt life on a spiritual level. We cannot evidence this bar an increase in possession activity, which the longhouse now protects against should anyone display symptoms. We also believe there to be forces at work in the forest that mean to harm life, which we have defended against and will continue to monitor. Should anything happen that will directly affect the town we will report. If we are successful in our efforts, then the populace need never know about it.

Tenacity 2 Building, 393 - Felicity 29 Building, 393

Sigrid Arnulf, Oksana Bosko, Vanya Awarthiel, Artus Brookside, Bref of Uri's folk, Rah Tah Tum, Aisling.   Report by SA.  
  • We set out from Anglwyrd Crossing to the Glittering Chambers with the aim to arrive by the evening of the 5th, True Night. This did not happen. We travelled as fast and as much as we physically could, but forced marching in the dark caused us to head in the wrong direction. We could not see a way to arrive there before True Night. It was more likely we would be stranded in the wild when the monsters came.
  • While travelling, we found Artus returning from the Glittering Chambers and he joined our party. We also found a sentient tree and an old camp.
  • So as not to be stranded over True Night, we decided to double back and head to the tree, Uaesceggirch, who had promised us overnight safety in exchange for one of our party undergoing its trials. Rah Tah Tum wanted to do the trials anyway, so it seemed like a good idea. On returning, the bargain changed so that we all must do the trials. At this point it was getting dark, so our options were to face True Night on the road, exhausted. Or to rest and undertake the trials, which will either kill us or grant us a boon. We chose the trials.
  • We hanged on the tree's branches for seven days and seven nights, while in the Dreaming we undertook trials of various skills. Strength, speed, endurance, research, wisdom and social memory. Rah Tah Tum did not survive the trials. Uaesceggirch was nourished and we were gifted boons, which we used to negate the lasting effects of the trials.
  • Resting at Bardh, we headed via river to the Glittering Chambers to check on the residents after True Night. The area has been occupied by Uppland troops. We did not see the dwarves who lived here before, but were told that they were boarded with the troop leader, Friber. The guards did not know of a baby who was with the original dwarves. We left soon after arrival, teleporting back to Bardh. Aisling wished to come with us.
  • Wishing to explore Denroum Mines before the dwarves at the Glittering Chambers, we went there next. The Denroum portal is angled towards lava and is separated from the bridge over the volcano. The mines are protected by a Red Dragon who goes by 'Mother' and her hoard of kobolds, fire creatures and iron constructs, all of whom have a liking to throwing intruders into lava. We did not make it into the mines. Area remains unsafe.
  • We went next to the mines at Mt Ethelharn. Travelling down from the portal we found a gazebo memorialising the Hanging Gardens, which were destroyed to make room for the observatory. It's a safe area with wide, even walkways, and is guarded by playful elementals. Down further were some mines. Little remained in the way of minerals and gems. We were able to mine some diamonds after clearing the area of a creature who sapped life essense out of others to survive. Area somewhat safe. We expect natural predators to return to the caves.
  • Re. The Creature of the Deep. At Uaesceggirch, we learned valuable information about him. That he is 'a delusional interloper who has taken a role upon himself within this world that does not belong to him. His attempts to farm the souls of the dead for devotion have led to the deaths of countless "conduits" and your head wound could have been much worse. He chose to lobotomise you instead of killing you, this time.' Powerful healing magics might heal the lobotomy. Until then, or until he repairs the connection, we believe his influence over me is minimal. Or at least, it's the lowest it's been since it all started. He is not talking to me or moving through me. I see the delusion for what it is. I believe my job to 'unplug the waters' is false, and he is merely waiting for a convenient time when I'm highly devoted to farm my soul. I do not wish to reconnect. But our pact stands, and my Shadow reflects his hold on me. If he reaches out, I will avoid Anglwyrd Crossing, as I believe he could be violent if he realises I no longer want to do his bidding. Please keep an eye out for any future 'conduits' and share this information with them.


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