Greta (/grɛtæ/ gre-ta)


Greta is a human woman from Sword Coast North who settled in Phandalin a few years ago, where she worked as a barmaid at the Stonehill Inn. In early 1491 DR, Greta was kidnapped and replaced by a doppelganger affiliated with the Black Spider Network named Vyerith.   Whilst diguised as Greta, Vyerith forged a close relationship with the Hat Gang, a group of adventurers which included an old friend of the real Greta, Nissany. Eventually, the party stumbled upon Vyerith's lair in Wave Echo Cave, where they found and rescued the real Greta.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Greta is a human woman of above average height, with pale skin, green eyes, and long red hair that rests at her hips. She is known for her impressive breasts.*

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  Greta grew up on the swords coast north, in her early years she became friends with Nissany the gnome and the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker. The three drifted apart as they grew older, but they kept in touch.

Life in Phandalin

  Later in her life, Greta moved to the frontier town of New Phandalin, where she found work as a barmaid at the Stonehill Inn, ran by Toblen and Trilena Stonehill. Over the few years she lived in Phandalin, she gradually grew distant from her old friends.

Kidnapped by The Black Spider

  In the early months of 1491 DR, Greta was kidnapped by agents of the Black Spider, and a doppelganger took her place in Phandalin, the real Greta eventually moved to Wave Echo Cave, where she was placed in a coccoon beneath the pool in the doppelganger's lair.   Luckily for her, a group of adventurers, including her old friend Nissany, became aware of the Black Spider's activities after he ordered the capture of Gundren Rockseeker at the hands of the Cragmaw Tribe. Within just a few months, the group was able to locate Wave Echo Cave and free Greta, although Nissany had since left the party, grief stricken in the belief that Greta had been killed at Cragmaw Castle.   The Hat Gang were perhaps somewhat dissapointed that Greta did not remember them, eventually making peace with her doppelganger impersinator, Vyerith, although Greta herself made no such concession. The party member hit the hardest was Boston Bornes, who struggled to come to terms with the fact that somebody he had grown close to didn't recognise him. Greta herself appeared to find Bornes's actions off-putting, and acted awkwardly around him.

*Source - Nissany
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: Greta by Hero Forge