Session 1: The Betrayer

General Summary

It's the Betrayer!
— Anchorite of Talos

We return to the Hat Gang right after they said farewell to Yuri Canmore. They return to the inn where they make a toast to their absent friend (although Elarnya doesn't know what that is) and then ask Greta for more information on the individual that robbed her. Greta once again tells the party that, although she didn't get a good look at the attacker, it looked to be half-man, half-rat. According to Greta, she recently heard stories from Narth the miner about a group of wererats that lived in a nearby mine.   The party waited for Narth to return, and when he did, they asked him about his story. He explained that about four months ago, a pack of wererats had attacked the mine, driving away the miners who worked there. He said the wererats looked like regular humans, but could also transform into giant rats. The gang decide that they should follow up on this, travel and the mine to retrieve Greta's (and their own) belongings, but Boston also wants to spend some time studying his wife's notes, so they decide to stay for a few more nights.   For most of the following day, the Hat Gang examined the notes. Some parts are written in an ancient form of draconic, whilst the rest of them are written in a language none of the party members can read. Upon closer examination, Elarnya recognises some of the symbols as abyssal, a language she knows from the books she was never allowed to read in the library. Jensen used the spell Comprehend Languages to decipher one of the notebooks, which contained information on something known as the Emergance Zone, as well as a map of a location nobody could recognise. Dymera also attempted to tame {screaming noises} once more but was bitten again, this time rather badly.   The next morning, the Hat Gang and Droop set off towards the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine. On their way, Nissany noticed something in the trees. Mr. Squirrel sniffed out four half-orcs, two on either side, hiding in the trees, with the distinct odour of boar's blood on them, similar to the blood the Anchorites of Talos had used to make their effigies. Sensing a fight may be about to start, Nissany and Droop readied their bows, and Dymera rushed into the nearby trees, where she, unsurprisingly, found two anchorites, who were shocked to see her. She took this moment to greet them, before slowly backing away.   Elarnya ordered Anydemus to charge into battle, but he just lay on his back instead. Then Elarnya ran into the trees and stabbed a half-orc, whilst an unnasuming boar foraged nearby, eyeing the party. Both Jensen and Boston readied for attack. Then, one of the anchorites slashed at Dymera with his clawed gauntlet, Elarnya continued to scuffle with the half-orc in the trees.   Suddenly, the unassuming boar charged forward, transforming into what appeared to be another Anchorite of Talos. However, this one seemed to be friendly, as it used magic to bless Elarnya, Boston, and Jensen. After this, the rest of the cultists attacked, one went for Droop, but luckilly missed (horay). Another released a Lightning Bold from her hands, wounding Elarnya and Nissany, and downing Droop and Jensen (oh no), the third hit the frindly anchorite with a Thunderwave, calling him "The Betrayer". Finally, boston unleashed several attacks on one of the anchorites, dealing a lot of damage, but unfortunately failing to goad him.  
Can the Hat Gang take on four Anchorites of Talos? Will Jensen and/or Droop survive? And who is this mysterious "Betrayer" exactly?
Find out next week.

Player Characters Present

Boston Bornes, Dymera, Elarnya, Jensen Astria-Wagner, Nissany, Thokk Verantor
In-Game Date
15th of Nightall 1491 DR
Report Date
28 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters
Boston, can you leave the black magic alone for one second?
— Nissany
An Anchorite of Talos
I've displeased many people, including my mother
— Dymera

Character(s) Interacted With

Greta, Narth, Trillena Stonehill, Coins, Anchorites of Talos.