Siuk Akcheres (See-UKH Ak-CHERR-ez)


Siuk was the Jal-Razakir at the beginning of the War of the Six. In the early Season of Opening, 987AC, a confrontation with a Ba'athorog of the Azgorach Horde under the Host of Selephise reputedly drove her to madness and, according to a handful of witnesses, resulted in her flying off the southern Unenshuut Precipice on her koza, presumably to her death. She was then succeeded by Pyda Halbejan.   The location of her suicide being so close to the Temple of the Sublime Fall, the Communion of the Sublime Fall often refer to it as an example of the 'gloriousness' of their central rite, even if they do not look too closely at its instigation.


Hobbies & Pets

Her koza, a gray and ivory stripe king with dagger horns, was named Keskal'lix.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Death
55th Day of the Season of Opening, 987AC
Year of Death
987 AC
Circumstances of Death
Flew off the Precipice in a fit of madness; assumed death.
Place of Death
The southern Unenshuut Precipice
She/Her, They/Them
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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