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10/14/213 - Report of Anja Lefkaris

General Summary

Survey South and Northwest of Gatefall
[Written report of Anja Lefkaris as dictated to Gatefall Company employee Bernard Krieser for 1 Stuiver.]   We traveled due south of Gatefall. The land was rolling hill plains with golden grass. We found a deposit of Orpiment, which can be refined into arsenic, in the Ilaruhan River. We heard something in the river. We found two Ghasts feeding on a corpse. I ambushed them with fire, but it was not enough. They had a horrible stench and I felt like I could barely breathe. The ghasts surrounded me and would have surely killed me, but GamGam cast a spell to make an illusion of me. It confused one of the ghasts and it missed me. We killed the ghasts, but one of them bit me. The bastard. I feel like the Wounds keep piling up faster than I can heal them. That rusty sword from the Walking Suit of Armor got me good. The stab wound is infected. We found Sphalerite/Zinc in the foothills. We moved to the battlefield southwest of Gatefall. We came to the river bordering the battlefield. A fallen log was the bridge. Three Slicklicks mounted on Froggers were waiting for us. I came to the end of the bridge and tried speaking to them in Latian, but they advanced on us. We killed the three riders and two of the froggers. I managed to get a slicklick rider as he was fleeing!   I will call this crossing point (and eventual bridge!) Golden Frog Crossing! My first monster killed! We found this beautiful golden exotic flower. Apparently it is really spicy! We also harvested a slicklick's tongue. Upon further exploration we found a Blue Healing Flower. In the marshland we encountered a pack of Cockatrices, but I managed to calm them down and we gave them a wide berth without incident. The slicklicks followed us but kept their distance after we beat them earlier. We went through the marsh. The river eventually widened and we came across a beach. We found these milky white crystals glimmering in the water. They were being guarded by three large octopuses larger than a man. We scared them off and managed to harvest 12 quartz and an agate gemstone. We moved further northwest and found a forest.   Traveling the forest, we found a stone structure (mausoleum or vault) with a door. The door had a symbol on it. Circle with a smaller circle in the bottom right and lines emanating from them. Look like suns. Lyudmilla mentioned it could be a symbol of Zarus. The door was magical and warded by abjuration magic. Eagrym touched it which caused a magical inscription to form. The door then blasted us with magical energy. I stepped back just in time to avoid being blasted by the glyph. Eagrym then bashed down the door. Lyudmilla said the door may have had the same prayer to Zarus as was on the gravestone. We entered the mausoleum. There was a ghost who said we desecrated his resting place. He was a zealot of Zarus and he was angry Lyudmilla invoked Zarus' name while trying to reason with him. He then went on a rant. The ghost attacked us. I felt like I had no time to react before he locked eyes with me and screamed. It felt like my soul... It wasn't until I looked. I gained some satisfaction from blasting the ghost with magic missiles and Eagrym tore its "heart" out with his bare hands.   We found four unidentified potions and a jar of coins. The jar had 350 (60 silver for me) holed silver Latian coins that were encountered before and 20 (4 gold for me) large gold coins eagle on the reverse and a man (Zarus) on the front. Found magic ink and Transmutation spellbook. Will give them to Ivellios. Unsure of what the two spell scrolls are. We returned to Gatefall. End of report.   Bernard here. Something happened in that tomb she won't talk about. She looks noticeably older than she did when she left Gatefall. Any attempt to get her to open up was rebuffed. She seems changed by the expedition but says she wants to continue with life in the new world. She seems even more determined to open up a tavern here. Will monitor to make sure she doesn't crack under pressure.

Rewards Granted

458 XP, 100 Guilders


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