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1/3/214 - Report of Herris Jensen

General Summary

[Report of Herris Jensen as dictated to Walter Lefkaris on the expedition to find the mouth of the River].   We set out with a new fellow named Drizmo. We traveled north and encountered the sunken ship where Anja fought the Shade with the Dead Man. Petra thought she saw a giant shark in the water. It turns out they are sharks who moved into the ship. We killed the sharks and found a bronze candlestick, silver statuette, and a brass statuette. We pressed Northwest into the uncharted part of the river. The grew narrower and choppier. A Bluelick ambushed us from the river. We killed it and harvested the gemstone from its head. We spent the night and continued exploring. GamGam stepped on a Mandrake Root and it predictably screamed. We pressed on further and found these giant seahorses in the river. Is every animal here bigger?! GamGam tried to rope one and they attacked her. Shocking. I shot at the seahorse and "missed."   [Walter here, Herris most definitely did "air quotes" with his fingers]   I then proceeded to "reload my musket."   [More air quotes]   In the meantime, GamGam attached the rope to her Aurochs. The roped seahorse engaged in a tug of war with the Auroch, Homash, and GamGam herself. I watched this and questioned my life and the impact I would leave behind when I die. After all was said and done, GamGam killed the seahorse because she couldn't take it with her and I harvested its tail. And meat. Meat for the meat god.   We proceeded northeast into hilly territory, finding avian bipedal tracks. We followed them and found 6 of them. They didn't look like normal chickens, but large featherless chickens with smoke coming out of their beaks. We fought them. They were like ostriches crossbred with a reptile. And apart from pecking at us with their beaks, they breathe fire (and their hides are immune to it). We harvested four of their beaks. The group discussed a name and decided to call them Buffalo Chickens. After the spicy chickens served in the town of Buffalo I heard about. We observed a herd of over a hundred Buffalo chickens. We continued our survey and saw a rhinoceros. GamGam, Homash, and Drizmo attempted to tame it and failed. That is all. We camped on the riverbank and saw these glowing flowers that opened up in the moon. It is not a flower that exists in The Old World I'm calling them Lunar Lilys. GamGam ate one and did not suffer any ill effects. They had these nectar bulbs in the center. they are difficult to harvest without destroying them and should only be done so by a professional.   We continued following the riverbank and it appears that it empties into a larger body of water (North-northeast of Gatefall). Homash tasted it and celebrated. It was salty. We found an ocean or a sea. We camped for the night and someone called out to us. It was a woman with a bow. None of us spoke Latian or Archaean, so we had to communicate other ways. She said her name was Alba Nasennius (Nasinnius?) and she's a hunter. We told her we were following the river. She indicated she was a scout and a mercenary. We deduced she watches for ships from a lighthouse. We think she saw a shipwreck from the lighthouse. It became obvious she wanted our help and it appears she wished to loot the wrecked ship and split the bounty.   We agreed to help her and the following morning set out. She took us to her lookout post and we saw a beached ship. She referenced what I thought was a monster. Upon getting closer, we saw a Bluelick. Suddenly all was clear. We crept up to the ship. I saw a chest and asked GamGam to pick the lock. She opened the chest and suddenly the chest bit... LITERALLY BIT... GamGam's arm. The fucking chest has teeth and a mouth and it eats people. It wrapped its tongue around me and nearly ate my tomahawk. Fortunately, I was able to cleave it in half with my tomahawk. We all fled the Bluelicks and Bloodlicks that were occupying the shipwreck. We talked with Alba and promised her we would return. She seems intent on staying here. Perhaps something in the shipwreck is driving her more personally? We returned Gatefall having figured out where the mouth of the river was. Roughly 60 miles due north of Gatefall.

Rewards Granted

1590 XP
Report Date
11 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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