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1/3/214 - Report of Walter Lefkaris

General Summary

[Southeast Exploration Adventure Report as compiled by Walter Lefkaris.](person:bb20cef0-a166-4a43-9f4c-a78e6d4ad579)]   So we set out once again to explore south of Gatefall. I can only hope no more diversions with undead ritual sites and Panther dens... We made our way to the cabin. We killed three Ghouls. The ghouls were more intact than ones we fought previously. They had white scars like stab wounds that were healed. These ghouls were killed recently in life and reanimated not two weeks ago. We found a smashed foot locker. We found 11 Denarii coins, 28 Sesterces coins, and 106 Nummi coins. We also found some Plants. 1x Abyss Flower, 3x Urce Bramble. We rested overnight. We continued following the path the Cult company (and Bone Serpent) took. It continued to the southeast. Eventually the forest cleared and we got to a more hilly woodland valley. Shortly after entering the valley, we encountered these large sentient beasts that wielded clubs and chains. They spoke to Jerre... or whatever he goes by now. Jerre said they wanted tribute and refused what he offered. We killed the creatures. Jerre theorized that they were the ogres in the recipe for the Gauntlets of Ogre Power. They are certainly strong. We looted 6 Siliquae (Electrum), 18 Denarii (Silver). I was able to harvest 3 sets of the ogre's tusks. We followed the ogre's trail until dusk. Their trail leads up into the mountain range northeast.   We camped and then continued surveying the area, finding a leafy blood-red plant. Wolfram called them blood herbs. We harvested them and continued surveying. We encountered a black bear but scared it off with an illusion. We saw these strange white strata in the rock that picked away easily and crumbled to powder. Ma'ago says it is Gypsum. Gatefall will want to know this.   We pressed on southeast and came across a clearing that was the site of an ancient battlefield. There were six flying undead wyverns hovering above the battlefield near two artificial structures. One of them with a humanoid rider. We sent our familiars to scout the structures. Jerre saw a grassy area that had a stone pedestal with a red pennant on it before having to pull his familiar back. Ma'ago saw a circular stone wall with arches in a grassy area. There was a hole in the wall that led to a staircase underground into the plateau. The structure is very old. At least several hundred years old, maybe thousands. There are also a number of craters in the battlefield surrounding the structure. The craters are caused by magic and are fresh. One of the craters collapsed the earth and opened into an underground chasm. We decided this area was beyond us and bypassed it and continued southeast.   P.S. OH. Ma'ago raised his own undead from the Alpha Ghoul's corpse! He was actually quite helpful... but still what in the fuck?!   We continued on and found an old road the cult took. Ma'ago's familiar said there was a group of 8 humans ahead. Some of the people are common looking, there were two almost naked crazy looking women, and a pale, burned bald man who looks like the cult leader. We ambushed them. I nearly died and we managed to kill all but one whom we captured. When Jerre tampered with the holy symbol of Zarus branded on their chests, the corpses exploded.   We interrogated the prisoner. She was stubborn and refused to give us much. She said we'd meet our end at the cult's hands at the gates of Sirmium. She said if we followed the road we were not far away. The five runes arranged in a pentagon on the Obelisk match the runes on her chest. Giving us no more information and resisting all attempts to persuade her, Jerre tampered with the brand on her chest and she exploded... What the fuck.   We continued on and found an owl. A giant owl. Wolfram talked to it and it said that lots of people came through but not much more. Ma'ago thought it was a demon because a conspiracy writer named Owlex Jones said owls are demons. Idiot. We rested again and this time Jerre's owl was slain by a giant bat. And I mean donkey-sized bat. He shot it out of the sky. We found a cave that's a bat colony nearby. Ma'ago's familiar scouted it out and found lots of bats, the remains of people and a fire pit, and a blue-green metallic glint. Possibly Copper. Ma'ago and Jerre snuck in at night after the bats empty. They found a large deposit of Copper. The human remains were of a failed mining excavation.   We continued Southeast on the road and came across a ruined wall. There were undead there, some armored with weapons. We also saw a Bone Serpent, a creature made of fused skeletal remains of many corpses. Beyond the obstruction, the terrain opens up and we see what was once a glorious city. It appears to be in a state of disrepair. We think it is the city of Sirmium. Also among the undead was a pale, pallid humanoid with a sword chained to his left arm, a spiked shield, and brutal looking armor. The figure appeared to be an authority there. His features look sunken and he is possibly a sentient undead. He is not to be underestimated. They appear to be guarding the pass that's the only way to access the city of Sirmium. We found a full deposit of Jet on the way back. We found a gorge that had a pile of bones. We saw a large sinuous shape slither out from the rocks. It was a stormy electric eel-like danger lizard. It breathed lightning up at us and knocked out Wolfram. We ran for our lives as it climbed up after us. Actually I flew away. WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. THIS. THING. In our efforts to flee, Wolfram stumbled upon more ruins. A large complex of old buildings. Who knows what's inside. We finally returned to Gatefall.

Rewards Granted

1431 XP, 50 Guilders, 5 shares of Common Stock in the Gatefall Company

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
20 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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