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8/30/213 - Report of Herris Jensen

General Summary

[Written report of Herris Jensen as dictated to Gatefall Company employee Bernard Krieser for 1 Stuiver.]   Survey Report of Forest Southeast of Gatefall   "Found man made stone with Latian inscriptions. Yes, my learned companions say they were Latian inscriptions. I can't read so I take them at their word. Mago Ma'ago repaired it. Is a signpost pointing to Gatefall. Realized we were on remnants of a road. Took rubbing of inscription on stone.   Followed the remains of the road and approach the mountain from the edge of the forest. Three undead attacked from the mountain east of Gatefall. Threw javelins at us. Lyudmila says they wanted our gold. Ma'ago says it was two ghouls and a wight. Wight did not like the sun. My musket killed one ghoul, the other nearly tore my throat out. We killed them all but were injured. Eagrym harvested undead parts for Crafting. Wight had rusty sword and Latian coins with holes in them on a necklace around its neck. Decided to go away from mountain and survey forest south-southeast of Gatefall. Found blue flowers to make healing potions.   Bernard here. Eagrym walked by and called the slope leading to the mountain Herris' Fall. Herris told me not to write that. I like it though. Back to Herris.   While camping, we saw little pinpricks of light appearing and disappearing deeper in the forest to the south of our position. The others believe they are these dancing evil undead lights called will o wisps. It must have been the wind. Why would lights be undead? It DOES NOT make sense. It was clearly a trick of the wind causing the trees to blow. These scholars haven't lived outside their-   Bernard here. He kept going on about how his companions were wrong about the will o wisps. He was very convinced. Resumed transcribing when we got back on track.   Continued surveying the forest. Found slabs of manmade granite. Appear to be gravestones about 70-80 years old. Companions say Latian names are inscribed on the gravestones. Ma'ago mended gravestones. I took rubbings of inscriptions and I think Lyudmila wrote it down too. Ask her. They say date on stone used a different calendar from our Latian calendar. Companions say gravestones depict a holy symbol of a deity named "Zarus". Eagrym collapsed and said he had a vision of two sons Suns in the sky, one gold and one silver. Said there were many men and women bowing before a large beautiful man and worshipping him. All from touching a gravestone. Strange. I think his injuries from the wight might have gotten to him. It would explain why he thinks it was evil undead lights instead of the wind last night. Party finished surveying forest and returned to Gatefall. End of report."

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