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9/28/213 - Report of Ranaghar Argear

General Summary

[Written report of Ranaghar Argear as dictated to Lyudmila Krupiński]   Bounty Ruins:   Made camp outside of the ruins. Slicklick on a Frogger stayed far away watching us while we slept. I watched him from the trees. Killed one of the Slimes. They take a lot of damage. Got jumped by Carrion Worm. Found a game written on the side of a building. A numbers game. Lucinus is a pompous asshole. Tried sneaking past the slime, spit out a giant skeleton along with some normal Skeletons. No idea what kind of species the giant skeleton is. Helena found a dog tag off of one of the skeletons. He was a pompous asshole. Myth discovered a silver box, managed to open it. Inside was a hand painted portrait of a woman. Along with a silver broach, with 8 small orange gems around it. Ending up killing more slimes. Petra attacked the slime at the top of the temple. It made chase, we slayed it, and then the skeleton centurions attacked. Defeated the centurions. Started investigating the top of the temple. Found a giant skull with one eye socket or maybe something else. It clearly didn't come from a humanoid. I believe that the massive headless skeleton is lying in the water. Found two pieces of tattered parchments. “Centurion Caius Venarus; regretfully, I cannot grant your request for reinforcement. Nadezhda presses us on all fronts and the Creeping Weapon has cost us dearly. You must hold with your current forces for as long as possible. Look to fire as your salvation, for it will stem the Weapon more surely than any blade. Honora Pactum. – Legate Titus Manius” The other piece of parchment contains a Crafting recipe for Alchemist's Fire. Statue was broken, some lady, believe it could be a goddess. New World goddess of fortresses. Slicklicks tried to jump us, scared them away.

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