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9/28/213 - Report of Helena and Djinn

General Summary

Sept. 28, 213 Helena’s Report, Scribed by Djinn   We traveled back to the swamplands filled with ruins and Corpse Sludges in order to gain more information about the natives of The New World but, though we were filled with zeal and were more prepared than time last, the sludges were brutal in their assault. Acid burning, and weapons and Armor deteriorating, I formulated a plan based on their top speed, which I calculated to be 7-8 feet per second, and then as such, I ordered my companions to form a firing line of spell and shot, as we tactically retreated while striking at the sludges. More Undead Abominations spawned from each sludge we engaged, which my holy magic dealt with readily.   The final Corpse Sludge came with complications- a trio of long dead legionnaires, as skilled in death as they were in life. They came upon us, capitalizing on our Wounded bodies from the sludges, protected by a magical standard that shielded them from our strikes. They fell upon Djinn after he scoured them with his inner light blessing, and struck him down. The rest of the battle was a blur- enraged, I struck them mercilessly, until they had all fallen before my blade.   We took a moment to Rest and loot the area for spoils before returning to Gatefall, where Djinn and I plan to Rest for multiple weeks to recover. The Slicklicks thought about ambushing us on the way back, but ultimately decided it was more than they could take, and left us alone. Something to be aware of when traveling here in the future.

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