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Berserker is an Archetype of the Barbarian Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the oldest and most common type of Barbarian in The Old World, having existed among various cultures since prehistory. In Combat, Berserkers focus entirely on offense, charging and rending apart the enemy with a complete disregard for their own well-being (see, but note the variant rule detailed below).

Berserkers take the battle fury characteristic of all Barbarians to an extreme. In the throes of their rage, they are almost insensate, unable to focus on anything other than killing and barely capable of speech or distinguishing friend from foe. They feel neither pain nor fear in this state and attack with an almost supernatural ferocity, flailing their weapons at the enemy in a whirlwind of steel. Such a feat is difficult to maintain, however, and Berserkers often find it more difficult to muster their rage than Barbarians from other traditions.

Berserkers are venerated as elite warriors in the societies that produce them and may even be vested with religious significance, their all-consuming rage being seen as a sign of the gods' favor. They are most common among Orcs, Half-Orcs, and the Human tribes of Mennavjar. Most Berserkers fight in small groups, always at the forefront of battle. In Ifri, however, it is customary for each Berserker to fight alone, often competing with their fellows to take the most ears or scalps from the enemy.

Berserkers are subject to the following variant rule:
When a Berserker enters a Rage, they must choose whether to use their "Frenzy" ability. If they do so, they consume two uses of Rage, rather than one. They do not, however, suffer a level of Exhaustion when their Rage ends.


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