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Orcs are a Race native to The Old World, notorious for their great strength and ferocious disposition. They are a playable Race best-suited to Classes which focus on brute force and martial fury, such as Barbarian or Fighter (see, and have no known Sub-Races.

Basic Information


Orcs are of Medium size and powerfully built relative to other Races. They possess two arms, two legs, and no natural armor or weapons.

Biological Traits

Orcs possess modest sexual dimorphism, with males being somewhat larger and stronger than females and possessing sharper facial features. Both genders have visible genitalia and females additionally have visible breasts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs reproduce sexually, have both male and female genders, and give live birth following a gestation period of approximately 8 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs generally reach sexual maturity by 10 to 12 years of age and are considered adults by 12 to 14 years of age. Both males and females retain the ability to reproduce throughout their lives. Average Orc life expectancy is between 30 and 40 years, but some individuals may live for 50 years or longer.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are best suited for warm or temperate climates and are not well-adapted for cold. Thus, they tend to avoid mountains, tundra, and other cold environments. They frequently reside in plains or deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are meso-carnivores, requiring at least half their diet to be made up of meat, though they are capable of consuming a wide range of other foods as well. Most Orcs primarily consume red meat, which may be eaten cooked or raw. Poultry, fish, and vegetables make up the balance of their diet. Orcs have high metabolisms and must eat multiple meals daily to remain healthy, but can survive on only water for up to a month if necessary.

Biological Cycle

Orcs follow a nocturnal life cycle. They are generally active during the night and sleep for 4 to 6 hours from midday to early evening. They do not hibernate and their life cycle has no significant seasonal changes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs are moderately social and often live in groups known as "tribes," though it is not uncommon for young individuals to strike out on their own. They are nomadic by nature and rarely form permanent settlements, residing instead in large mobile camps. Typically, each male in a tribe shares a pavilion with either his wives and children, or with other bachelor males if unmarried, and children move out of their father's pavilion upon reaching adulthood.

Facial characteristics

Most Orcs have red, brown, or black eyes and pointed ears. Both genders grow hair on their scalps and have prominent lower canines which protrude out of their mouths. In males, these grow into fearsome tusks and are sometimes accompanied by facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are primarily concentrated on the continents of Ashur and Latia Major, but they are nomadic by nature and, thus, may be found almost anywhere in the Old World.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have keen sight but relatively poor hearing and possess Darkvision. They have poor proficiency with magic and no innate psionic powers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Orcs make up a majority of the Nation of Ifri's population, though its ruling class is made up primarily of Elves, and form a significant minority in Khitai, Montaigne, and Vaticia.

Gender Ideals

Orc tribes are highly patriarchal in nature, with virtually all tribal chiefs being male and females being treated as little more than property. Rarely, young females leave their tribe to seek a better life among other Races, though widespread prejudice against Orcs makes this a challenging proposition.

Courtship Ideals

Orcs generally mate for life and practice polygamy, with the leading males of a tribe having many wives. Male Orcs must perform feats of strength and daring to impress a prospective bride's father, and those who fail to do so often leave their tribe to seek better prospects elsewhere. Bachelor Orcs such as these tend not to be particular about their choice of mates and are responsible for the birth of most Half-Orcs.

Average Technological Level

Orcs have little interest in science or education and, thus, generally possess a low level of technology. Nonetheless, they tend to be highly skilled at weapon-smithing, hunting, and wilderness survival.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Free Orcs speak Orcish, an ancient Language thought to predate the Latian Empire. In many subjugated populations, however, Orcish is a dying tongue and Orcs instead speak the Languages of their Human or Elvish masters.


It is believed that Orcs descend from a now-extinct humanoid Race known as the Ostor, as do Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings. They have existed in the Old World since the Age of Building, when the first written histories were recorded, and are known to have allied with the Dragonborn against the Latian Empire and the Nation of Syrneth during the Age of Invasion. In more recent times, however, their fortunes have greatly declined and most Orcs now live as serfs or slaves in Human or Elvish Nations. Only in the deep jungles of Ifri do free tribes of Orcs still exist in the modern era.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to their brutish appearance and warlike history, Orcs are hated and feared by most other Races and respond in kind. They are, notably, ancestral enemies of Humans and Elves, with whom they have frequently clashed throughout their history. Their relations with Dragonborn and Tieflings are generally more positive, whereas their relations with Aasimar, Dwarves, and Halflings tend to be ambivalent or negative. Orcs are capable of interbreeding with Humans and, very rarely, with Elves. Orc-Human hybrids are referred to as Half-Orcs and are often considered to be a Race in their own right, whereas Orc-Elf hybrids are extremely rare and almost always infertile.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Ferox
30-40 years
Average Height
6'0" - 7'2"
Average Weight
230-280 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranges from dull grey to dark green.
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