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Half-Orcs are a Race native to The Old World, and are the result of cross-breeding between Humans and Orcs. They are a playable Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their ferocity, physical power, and tremendous stamina, such as Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger (see, and have no known Sub-Races.

Basic Information


Half-Orcs are of Medium size and powerfully built relative to other Races. They possess two arms, two legs, and no natural armor or weapons.

Biological Traits

Half-Orcs possess modest sexual dimorphism, with males being somewhat larger and stronger than females and possessing sharper facial features. Both genders have visible genitalia and females additionally have visible breasts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Orcs are capable of sexual reproduction with Humans, Orcs, and one another. They have both male and female genders, and give live birth following a gestation period of approximately 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Orcs generally reach sexual maturity by 12 to 14 years of age and are considered adults by 14 to 16 years of age. Males are able to father children throughout their lives, while females are generally unable to bear children after the age of 40. Average Half-Orc life expectancy is between 50 and 60 years, but some individuals may live for 75 years or longer.

Ecology and Habitats

Half-Orcs are best suited for temperate climates, but are able to adapt and survive in a wide variety of environments, ranging from forests to deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Half-Orcs are omnivores and are able to thrive on a wide range of diets. Most Half-Orcs primarily consume red meat and plant products, such as grains and vegetables, which they occasionally supplement with poultry, fish, and fruits. Half-Orcs have moderate metabolisms and must eat multiple meals daily to remain healthy, but can survive on only water for up to a month if necessary.

Biological Cycle

Half-Orcs can adapt easily to either a diurnal or nocturnal life cycle and generally sleep for 4 to 6 hours in each 24-hour period. They do not hibernate and their life cycle has no significant seasonal changes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Half-Orcs generally live among Human or Orc populations rather than in communities of their own kind. Most adopt the culture of the society in which they live, although Half-Orcs living in Human communities have been known to embrace Orcish customs (and vice-versa) in order to distinguish themselves.

Facial characteristics

Most Half-Orcs have brown, black, or hazel eyes and pointed ears. Both genders grow hair on their scalps and males frequently have facial hair as well. Half-Orcs have prominent lower canines compared to Humans, but these do not grow into tusks as they do in male Orcs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Half-Orcs are present to some degree in most Human and Orc populations, but are particularly common on the continents of Ashur and Latia Major.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Half-Orcs have keen sight but relatively poor hearing and possess Darkvision. They have poor proficiency with magic and no innate psionic powers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Half-Orcs exist among most Human and Orc populations. They are particularly prevalent in Ifri, Montaigne, and Vaticia, where Humans and Orcs come into contact relatively frequently.

Gender Ideals

Half-Orcs generally conform to the traditional gender roles of the Human and Orcish cultures in which they reside, though female Half-Orcs are more likely than their full-blooded cousins to rebel against the patriarchal nature of Orc society.

Courtship Ideals

Half-Orcs generally adopt the mating customs of the Human and Orcish cultures in which they reside. When two Half-Orcs form a romance with one another, it is frequently for life.

Average Technological Level

Half-Orcs are generally proficient with the technologies of the Human and Orc societies in which they reside. Though most possess average or below-average intelligence by Human standards, they are much more clever than full-blooded Orcs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Half-Orcs tend to speak the same Languages as the Humans and Orcs around them. Those who interact regularly with both Races are often multi-lingual.


Half-Orcs have been present in the Old World for as long as Human and Orc civilizations have co-existed, at least since the Age of Building, when the first written histories were recorded. In antiquity, most Half-Orcs were born as a result of war bringing the two species into contact and were rare during times of peace. Recently, however, their numbers have increased due to the subjugation and enslavement of many Orc populations by Humans.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The relationship between Half-Orcs and their full-blooded brethren is a complex one. Among Humans, they are frequently ostracized and persecuted, but may achieve great success as mercenaries, criminals, and Adventurers by virtue of their physical prowess. Orcs, meanwhile, tend to be somewhat more accepting and Half-Orcs have been known to use their comparatively sharp wits to become chiefs, priests, and respected elders in Orc tribes. Half-Orcs are capable of interbreeding with Humans and Orcs but, unlike Humans, cannot interbreed with Aasimar, Dwarves, Elves, or Tieflings. Half-Orc-Human and Half-Orc-Orc hybrids tend to favor their Human or Orc parent to such an extent that they are effectively members of that Race themselves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens x Homo Ferox
50-60 years
Average Height
5'9" - 6'4"
Average Weight
155-225 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranges from dull grey to light brown.
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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