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Bounty - Determine whether Magic can Cure the Plague-Death


  The Reports we have received concerning this "Plague-Death" are most concerning, as is the testimony of our new Ambassador. Until a cure is discovered, all who have encountered the undead are barred from returning to The Old World, including you and your fellow Adventurers. We are hopeful that magic can be used to purge the Plague from one's body, but this has yet to be verified. Fortunately, we have been able to source two condemned criminals from Karstadt for that purpose.
Restriction: This Bounty may only be completed by a Party which includes one or more of the following characters: Anja, Eagrym, Herris, Ivellios, Lyudmila, Ma'ago, Walter.   Objectives:
  • Take custody of the two test subjects from Captain Brenner.
  • Bring them into The Wilds and expose them to the undead.
  • Attempt to cure one (and only one) subject of the Plague-Death using magical means.
  • Execute both subjects and observe whether they reanimate.
  • Return to Gatefall and submit a Report detailing your findings.
  • (Optional) Determine whether magic can cure the Plague-Death without killing the test subjects.
Reward: 300 Guilders, Lift the ban on Adventurers returning to the Old World, Increase the Gatefall Company's trust of the Adventurer's Guild Posted By: Cornelius van der Hulst, Burgomeister


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