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Musketeer is an Archetype of the Fighter Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the most common type of Fighter in The Old World, having been rapidly adopted by most Nations' militaries during the Age of Discovery. Musketeers specialize in the use of Firearms and employ a variety of tactics to take advantage of their power on the battlefield (see the variant ruleset detailed below).

There are several common variations of Musketeer training, though all involve using massed gunfire to break the enemy's morale, with melee Combat being of secondary concern. Musketeers are strongest in groups, but their unshakeable discipline makes them a force to be reckoned with even in single Combat. Most are line infantry, trained to fight in large synchronized formations to maximize their firepower, though not all soldiers who employ line tactics are Musketeers. Others fight as dragoons, firing from horseback then retreating to reload, or grenadiers, who fire a single volley before charging home to rout the weakened enemy with Grenades and Bayonets.

All modern armies employ Musketeers, as coordinated volley fire effectively counters traditional melee troops in a pitched battle. They are most common among Humans, particularly in the Nations of Latia Major, which were the first to deploy them in large numbers. Among the most famous are the Royal Musketeers of Montaigne, though their heroic reputation has been tarnished of late by rumors of corruption in their ranks. Eisen also produces Musketeers of peerless skill, many of them battle-hardened veterans of the Civil War who hire out as elite mercenaries.


Musketeer Tactics
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd Level, you gain one of the following features of your choice:
  • Line Tactics – When at least one ally within 10 ft. of you attacks with a Firearm or Bayonet, the next attack you make with a Firearm or Bayonet before the end of that ally's next turn has Advantage. You may only use this feature once per round.
  • Dragoon Tactics – While mounted, you have Advantage on ranged attack rolls with Firearms against creatures smaller than your mount. Additionally, you may use your Action to reload a Firearm while mounted so long as it can be fired while mounted.
  • Charge Tactics – When you hit a creature with a ranged attack from a Firearm, your next melee attack against that creature or any creature within 10 ft. of it has Advantage.

Rapid Loading
Beginning at 7th Level, you may use X attacks to reload a weapon with the Loading X property, rather than X Actions.

Close Combat Drill
Beginning at 10th Level, you may make a melee attack with a Bayonet, make an improvised weapon attack with the butt of a Firearm, or throw a Grenade as a Bonus Action.

Improved Musketeer Tactics
At 15th Level, you gain one of the following features, depending on which feature you chose at 3rd Level:
  • Line Tactics – You reduce the Loading value of Firearms with which you are proficient by 1.
  • Dragoon Tactics – While mounted, if you are wielding a Firearm with the Light property in each hand, you may fire both as a single attack. Make a separate attack roll for each weapon. You may target a different creature with each weapon.
  • Charge Tactics – When you move at least 10 ft. in a straight line before making a successful attack with a melee weapon, you may immediately make a second attack with the same weapon against the same target or another creature within 10 ft. of it. You may only use this feature once per round.

Shock and Awe
Beginning at 18th Level, when you hit a creature with a ranged attack from a Firearm, that creature and each other creature within 5 ft. of it must succeed a Wisdom save (DC = 8 plus your Proficiency Bonus, plus your Dexterity modifier) or become Frightened until the end of its next turn.


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