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Totem Warrior

Totem Warrior is an Archetype of the Barbarian Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the second most common type of Barbarian in The Old World, with roots in the animist traditions of the ancient Ostor. Totem Warriors are the most versatile type of Barbarian, able to learn a wide range of abilities through their veneration of animal spirits (see

Totem Warriors frequently serve as shamans in their native cultures, invoking the spirits of powerful beasts to gain preternatural strength on the battlefield. Depending on their personal totem, they may possess a bear's toughness, an eagle's speed, or any number of other exotic powers. It is unusual to have multiple totem animals, as these spirits are often traditional patrons of a tribe or clan to which the Totem Warrior belongs. There are exceptions, however, among individuals with a particularly strong connection to the natural world.

Only societies which live in harmony with nature have a sufficient rapport with the spirit world to produce Totem Warriors. The most notable of these are the pagan Human tribes dwelling in the deep forests of Sarmion and the Hill Dwarves of Inismore. Totem Warriors were once common among Orcs as well, but subjugation by other Races has stamped out the tradition except among a few particularly remote populations.


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