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Trickery Domain

The Trickery Domain is an Archetype of the Cleric Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the fourth rarest type of Cleric in The Old World, found primarily among the cults of chaotic and morally ambiguous deities. Trickery Clerics are support and utility characters, using divine magic to shield themselves from sight and distract foes in Combat (see, but note the variant rules detailed below).

Trickery Clerics are masters of illusion, manipulating rivals and innocent bystanders alike and vanishing before their antics are discovered. They are charlatans, rebels, and mischief-makers, sowing chaos in their wake. Some fight to undermine tyranny and protect those who are outcast from mainstream society, but others are entirely heartless, perpetrating cruel schemes for their divine patron's amusement. Trickery Clerics rarely receive the same respect as those who embrace other domains, but they would have it no other way. For them, an authority figure's condemnation is a sign that they have performed their duties well.

Mythology often casts trickster gods in a villainous role, but they are venerated by cultures which value independence and cleverness. Trickery is the primary domain of the Archdevil, Asmodeus, as well as the devious Dragonborn deities, Tiamat and Kurtulmak. It is also embraced by the Halfling goddess, Yondalla, and the Gnome god, Garl. Popular Human trickster deities include Olidammara, the patron of revelers and thieves, and Xerbo, the Sarmi god of merchants.

Trickery Clerics are subject to the following variant rules:
  • When a Trickery Cleric uses their "Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows" ability, they become invisible for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom modifier, rather than until the end of their next turn. They become visible if they attack or cast a spell.
  • A Trickery Cleric may use their "Divine Strike" ability any time they hit a creature with a weapon attack. Once they have used Divine Strike, they may not use it again until the beginning of their next turn.


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