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The Age of Light

The Age of Light is the current epoch of The Realm. It follows the turbulent Age of Swords.

  • 0 BA

    1 Firstlight

    The Aurora
    Era beginning/end

    The Known World is illuminated by a brilliant display of vibrant lights that dance across the sky. Under these dazzling lights, the continent of Dhomhain is destroyed, reduced to fields of glass, and the Raiochtain people are lost.

  • 222 CA

    3 Firstlight

    Afhurth Founded

    The Dwarven Clans who dwell in and around Great Mount Afhurth are united under Primarch Hrolfdan the Stonespeaker, who claims Dwarven stewardship over the mountain itself.

  • 224 CA

    The First Bloodlands Invasion
    Military: Battle

    The orcish hordes of the Bloodlands (what would later becomeThe Goretusk Highlands) attack the fledgling Afhurthan Litharchy. Despite great losses, Afhurth successfully repels the invaders.

  • 404 CA

    1 /15

    Calthean Empire Founded

    Phaeron Aemoril I establishes a unified elven empire across the Vyrdis Jungles, claims the former city of Pnubarum as its capital and renames it Calthea.

  • 562 CA

    564 CA

    The Second Bloodlands Invasion
    Military: War

    Orcs from the Bloodlands return to the Realm, attempting to overwhelm Afhurth. Their initial assaults are successful and they push beyond the Titan's Teeth and into the central realm. Despite their power, the many independent warbands of orcs fall to infighting and their forces are fractured. The Afhurthan armies are able to eliminate these lone warbands over the course of roughly two years, but it takes a great toll on the Litharchy.

  • 600 CA

    The Oakborn discover The Silverwood
    Discovery, Exploration

    The ancient druids of the Oakborn Circle discover the isolated and enchanted forest of The Silverwood. They establish an enclave in the mountains above forest from which they study the Leylines that sprawl across the Silverwood.

  • 1035 CA

    12 Greenmarch
    1036 CA

    6 Skyburn

    Incorporation of Nyiche

    The chateaus, villas, and estates that line the banks of Lake Nyiche combine their resources and form an independent city-state of the same name. The nobles and landlords are overseen by First Duchess Maeve Tamerlane, who stood victorious over rival houses Castellan and Marquan.

  • 1156 CA

    12 Lastlight

    Lightharbor Founded

    The various villages, hamlets, and towns of the Hammerlands are united under Queen Brethela the Bright. She builds Lightharbor and names it her capital.

  • 1349 CA

    1356 CA

    Goretusk Invasion
    Military action

    The orcish Warchief Korroth Goretusk unites the mongrel hordes of the Bloodlands and launches a campaign southward across the northeastern Realm.

  • 1356 CA

    The Pact of Blades
    Political event

    After nearly a decade of conflict, the Goretusk Horde is repelled by the Unbroken Legion of Hobgoblins. To keep the Hobgoblin legions from descending upon a weakened Central Realm the powers of the region negotiate a treaty with Lakrahgat Dulzen of the Unbroken Legion, the commander of the Hobgoblin forces. The Pact of Blades, as it was called, granted the hobgoblin legion sovereignty of the Forest of Blades and the northern end of the Titan's Teeth Mountains. The stronghold of Sekerah is founded shortly after.

  • 1502 CA

    Founding of the Waymarch

    Migrants from the Afhurthan Litharchy settle near the crossroads of the Realmway Path, leading to the founding of the metropolitan city of Wayrest.

  • 1621 CA

    11 Prillseve

    The Destruction of the Seastone Spire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The rival wizards Eulor Blacktongue and Lorian Redwind do battle in Blacktongue's tower, The Seastone Spire  off the western coast of the Realm. The tower is destroyed in an arcane explosion, and neither of the two wizards are seen or heard from again. The energies released in the disaster still taint the waters around the Spire, and the treacherous region of ocean is dubbed Eulor's Folly.

  • 1696 CA

    8 The Changing

    Kyzarak the Unclean Defeated
    Life, Death

    The Lich Kyzarak the Unclean is permanently defeated by a group of adventurers after he attempted to raise an army of undead. Surely, he would never return.

  • 1717 CA

    The Rimefire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A brutal fight between the Red Dragon Tyranjastylax and the White Dragon Thrantyrhexxis results in a massive swath of land north of the High Wilds to be destroyed. The barren area left behind becomes a wasteland of frozen ashes known as the Rimefire Scar. It is unknown who was the victor in this skirmish, or what became of either dragon.

  • 1783 CA

    27 Hallow
    1783 CA

    13 Nurenvem

    The Invasion of Vrostrom
    Military action

    The figure that would come to be known as Yngraal appears seemingly out of nowhere with an army of spellswords and mercenaries and ousts the frost giant kingdom of Vrostrom, assuming control of the region. Renamed the Raalstep, the Sorcerer-King divides the region up between his most loyal Barons who rule the few northern town and villages in his name.

  • 1784 CA

    The Ravenswood becomes The Riven Grove
    Geological / environmental event

    In response to Afhurthan Spies being discovered across the Raalstep, Sorcerer-King Yngraal demonstrates his power as a deterrent. Yngraal deforests nearly a third of the Ravenswood Forest that sits below the Sythrahir Mountains in an explosive display of magic. Numerous hidden Afhurthan encampments are destroyed in the cataclysm.

  • 1801 CA

    8 Thune
    1806 CA

    10 Hallow

    Calthean Civil War / War of the Barons
    Military action

    Phaeron Aemoril II falls into a coma as a result of some unknown magic affliction, sending the royal court into chaos. With no heir and no clear rule of succession, the Barons Harkon Salassen, Glendahar Falurrien, and Talhia Olodruin each lay claim to the throne. Five years of civil war wrack Calthea, until the Phaeron wakes from his slumber and reclaims rule of Calthea.

  • 1850 CA

    The Bard Departs
    Life, Relocation

    Ven Silverfire, the most famous Bard in the Realm, departs from Lightharbor aboard his galleon The Secret Chord on a quest of exploration and inspiration. This is the last time the eladrin bard was ever seen.

  • 1922 CA

    13 Hallow
    1922 CA

    2 Lastlight

    The Lordling's Routing
    Military action

    King Fredrik Hoege, a minor Lord of Marhaven, seeks to establish his own fiefdom in the Titan's Teeth Mountains. To this end he invades a number of goblinoid settlements in the area, provoking Sharat Zurnag of Sekerah. After a handful of skirmishes, King Hoege attempts to meet the forces of Sekerah in open battle. Instead of armies clashing, the Sharat suggests a bout of Single Combat between one of Hoege's Champions and one of Sekerah. King Hoege agrees, and Sharat Zurnag himself slays Sir Balsalam Forst, putting a quick end to the aspirations of the would-be-king.

  • 1980 CA

    The Artene Syndicate is Created

    Created by the Master Thief Lucien Artene, the Artene Syndicate soon became the most prolific criminal organization in the Realm.

  • 1987 CA

    8 Lastlight

    The Fugue

    A strange sensory phenomenon sweeps the Known World, muddying the memories of nearly every man, woman, and child. Huge portions of time are unaccounted for, leaving the population confused and concerned but otherwise unharmed. It is still unknown what the origin of this phenomenon is or what long-lasting effects it had.

  • 1989 CA

    1991 CA

    The Gnoll Scouring
    Military action

    The surviving Gnoll Warbands are hunted to the brink of extinction in the wake of Yeenoghu's disappearance. Gnolls are reduced to fringe tribes of bandits, and rarely pose a great issue for the Realm.

  • 2009 CA

    7 Prillseve
    2011 CA

    2 Skyburn

    The DJeran Expansion War
    Military action

    Sultan Emiritas II of the Djeran Sultanate launches a military campaign to expand the borders and influence of his empire. In response to this threat, many of the other kingdoms of the Realm unite and form the Holdfast Union. The war ultimately ends after the people of Odjerai revolt and overthrow the Sultan.

    More reading
    The Djeran Expansion War
  • 2020 CA

    22 Nurenvem

    Kyzarak the Unclean is Defeated... Again
    Cultural event

    The spectral remnant of the lich Kyzarak the Unclean is defeated atop Argent Peak in the Silverwood by a group of adventurers. His defeat ended the threat to the Silverwood and Silverpass.

  • 2020 CA

    1 Lastlight

    The Burbalen Plague is Cured
    Cultural event

    The virulent plague that devasted the town of Burbalen is cured by Ori Mudshell with the assistance of the Heroes of Silverpass.

  • 2020 CA

    6 Lastlight

    Jarstylaxan Defeated
    Cultural event

    The Red Dragon Jarstylaxan is defeated in his lair in the Elderhammer Range by the Heroes of Silverpass. His kobold minions are similarly defeated, and his threat is ended before it could foment into a more dire one.

  • 2020 CA

    20 Lastlight

    Brynstadt Cult of Orcus Defeated
    Cultural event

    The Cult of Orcus that dwelled deep below the sewers of Brynstadt are defeated by the Heroes of Silverpass before they could open an Abyssal Portal.   Prior to their defeat, the Cult of Orcus brazenly attacked Brynstadt in the open, announcing their presence. Despite the efforts of the Heroes of Silverpass, much of Brynstadt was burned to the ground, and many citizens lost their lives.

  • 2021 CA

    5 Firstlight

    Helmogog's Brood Emerges
    Military action

    A massive attack of vicious, intelligent spiders and Drow warriors assault cities across the West Realm. The Heroes of Silverpass successfully repel the arachnids from Silverpass, and delve into the Underdark to attempt to assassinate the leader of the spiders: Helmogog.

  • 2021 CA

    29 Firstlight

    Helmogog Slain by the Order of the Argent
    Life, Death

    The Spider God-King Helmogog is slain by the Knights of the Argent Order in his demiplane: the Stygian Web. With his death, his brood loses coherency and the will to fight, leaving their Drow allies to fend for themselves on the surface.

  • 2021 CA

    23 Rimmenfrost

    The Order of the Argent Founded

    The group of adventurers previously known as "A Bard" and "The Heroes of Silverpass" are knighted by King Lyman Luxenford in their home city of Silverpass. Their adventuring party becomes a meritorious order known as the Order of the Argent.