Ilsanor Settlement in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil


Summary and history

Ilsanor, a small elven settlement located in the heart of the Sacred Forest of Ilsanor , was built long before the Age of Chaos. The wood elves that inhabit Ilsanor live in perfect harmony with their natural surroundings, being careful not to impact the sacred forest as they live quiet and isolated lives. Ilsanor's citizens seldom wander out, and most have never met a non Wood Elf.

This settlement coexists not only with the forest, but also with the many magical creatures that inhabit the village. The existence of these creatures, called Ilsans, is a closely guarded secret, and as such not many outsiders are allowed to enter the village for fear of bringing imbalance to the ecosystem. After all, civilization always corrupts nature.

The Emerald Enclave, Ilsanor's council, is composed of a few important and wise members who make decisions that benefit the overall wellbeing of Ilsanor. The members of the Emerald Enclave have been leadership figures for hundreds of years, and have complete authority over Ilsanor. As such, outsiders must obtain permission from the Emerald Enclave to enter. Another important faction is the Circle of the Moon, an order of druids who transform into various beasts to protect the forest. The Circle of the Moon acts as the guardians of Ilsanor.

The Land

The Sacred Forest of Ilsanor is both incredibly beautiful and teeming with life. The wood elves that live here are forbidden from harming any animal and instead opt to grow various fruits and vegetables for sustenance. Magical creatures known as the Ilsan cohabit with the wood elves, both in and around the village. The Ilsan feed off of spiritual energy which is gathered and kept in giant wooden cages suspended upon the branches of the trees of Ilsanor. This energy comes in two forms; green energy called Sylvana and white energy called Seluna. The wood elves of Ilsanor create this energy by praying to Sylvanus God of Wild Nature during the day, and Selune Goddess of the Moon at night. The Ilsan depend on this energy, and the people of Ilsanor depend on the Ilsan who keep the forest alive. The relationship between the people of Ilsanor and the Islan is one of give and take, respect, and understanding.

The People

Ilsanor is a small village, inhabited by wood elves exclusively. These elves have chosen to coexist with their sacred land, and while they do not oppose civilization, they have chosen not to participate in it. They don't tend to meddle in the affairs of the Realms and like to remain quiet and unseen, to ensure continued peace and prosperity with the Ilsan. However, if their land or brethren are threatened, they may be convinced to come out of their forests and fight for their survival.

The wood elves of Ilsanor live in homes made of natural fieldstone or carefully furnished wood, and on occasion some wood elves even do away with these comforts, opting on living in the limbs of mighty trees.

Three groups make up the population of Ilsanor. Firstly, a small number of wise and typically elder elves make up a council called The Emerald Enclave. The Enclave ensures that only the worthy and trusted enter the village, and otherwise act as leaders for Ilsanor. The second group, the Circle of the Moon, is an order of druids who transform into various beasts to protect the forest. The Circle of the Moon acts as the guardians of Ilsanor. Finally, all other citizens of Ilsanor live in harmony with the Ilsan and spend their days in quiet and thankful prayer to Sylvanus and Selune, generating the precious energy that fuels the Ilsan in the process.

The Leadership

The Emerald Enclave leads Ilsanor in all aspects, and is comprised of around a dozen members.

The Enclave is not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and wilderness from destroying one another. As such, the Enclave rarely allows outsiders to travel into Ilsanor.

Law & Defence

While The Emerald Enclave leads the village, the Circle of the Moon is responsible for its protection. This order of roughly 500 druids of varying power protect the forest and the village from any who would threaten its fragile balance. The village of Ilsanor relies on its secret location as its primary means of protection.


There is absolutely no crime in Ilsanor. The ideology of peace and harmony is entrained in every elf from birth. The remote location of Ilsanor ensures that its citizens stay away from the temptations of the outside world, making conflict incredibly rare.


Ilsanor is completely self sufficient and does not participate in trade (aside from the exchange of prayer to create Sylvana and Seluna).


  • Ilsanor
> 3,000
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