King Theo Mountgnomery

King Theo Mountgnomery was the first progressive King in Irondeep's long history. Every King before him strongly believed that rock gnomes should isolate from the dangerous outside world. King Theo wished to reintegrate Irondeep into Sorus and started working on slowly reversing some of the Royal Laws. One of his greatest accomplishments is passing the law to start allowing nobles or high ranking representatives of other cities to visit for diplomatic purposes.

These diplomatic visits were a massive step towards King Theo's dream of reintegration. He eventually fell in love with an Elvish diplomat, whom he had an affair with. This bastard is the current leader of Irondeep King Arthur Mountgnomery . Before he had Arthur, Theo had another boy, Terrence Mountgnomery who went on to rally the Royal Family against his father. They conspired against and ultimately killed him.


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