
Summary and history

Needlehole has long been a famous Halfling settlement known for its incredibly delicious food. It is quite a small town but it still manages to attract many tourists due to its natural beauty, hospitable inns and amazing culinary talent.

The Land

Trees and bushes here are oddly overgrown which contrasts heavily with the tiny people that live here. Giant green trees as well as huge bushes and flowers of bright pink and purple hues are scattered across the rolling hills that surround the town. Vegetable farms are abundant but you can also find halflings making various breads, cakes, and cheeses. Pasta dishes are also wildly popular.

The People

Needlehole has long been a famous Halfling settlement for its various food merchants. Mostly everyone is a farmer or cook, specialty chef, etc. The annual Needlefest festival that takes places from Zarantyr 5th to 7th usually brings many tourists from all over Sorus to the small town. ( Calendar for more details)

The Leadership

Democratic town meetings are held regularly. Those who have the best reputation as a cook have more political influence. This means that Bingo Bafin essentially runs the town. It's mostly an unspoken rule, but what Bingo says goes.

Law & Defence

Needlehole does not typically require protection as the Halfling Hills are considered generally safe. Though if there is ever a need, soldiers from Overhill can be requested.


Mostly cheeky thieves looking to steal good food or competitors trying to gain the upperhand via sabotage. If convicted of sabotage in a town meeting, a vendor could lose their stall/shop and not be allowed to stay in Needlehole.

During Needlefest there is typically a small increase in crime, for that reason Overhill guards are typically present for the festival.


Many food vendors export their wares to Overhill, Whitebridge and Myrefall.

The main source of economic activity in this small town is the Needlehole Food Market .

There are also speciality shops such as Bingo Bafins Bacterial Bliss , Baked Bread Bonanza , Full-Sized Potions , and Giants Rest .


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