
Summary and history

This settlement is located a bit out of the way from the main road between Needlehole and Overhill. The people that live here actively avoid people and prefer the company of nature. Hermits, recluses, social outcasts and people who prefer a life of solitude all live in this hamlet.

The Land

This small Halfling settlement is located amidst rolling hills and deep in forest. A babbling brook runs though the center of Bree. A few farms provide simple food for most, though some halflings supplement their diets with wild mushrooms, berries and tree roots.

The People

This hamlet consists mostly of Stout Halflings but a few forest and rock gnomes live here as well. While anti-social behavior is apparent in Bree, the citizens are not mean-spirited whatsover. If anything, some residents are downright hospitable.

Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to live in Bree, but for the most part these halflings don't buy into the party culture of Overhill or the food loving people of Needlehole .

The Leadership

It's a hard life living in the wilderness in such small numbers. For that reason despite their anti-social tendencies, the residents of Bree must band together to survive. Any decision made could potentially impact everyone, and therefore everyone gets to voice their opinion in a very informal voting process.

Law & Defence

Naturally in a more dangerous location than the other halfling settlements due to the surrounding forest, the citizens of Bree must protect themselves from the surrounding wildlife. The Stout Halflings that reside here are naturally stronger and sturdier than the few Lightfoot Halflings, and so they tend to take on night watch duties.

Halflings in general do not like killing animals unless absolutely necessary. They instead lay traps and release the animals away from the settlement. This makes approaching Bree a bit risky. That is, if you don't follow the many signs that point the way to the settlement.


No one in their right mind would move to Bree with the intent of committing crimes. If they did, they would immediately be shunned and sent away.


There are no need for shops here. Not even an inn or tavern. Though if you have something that could help these halflings survive in the wild, I'm sure they'd be open to trading some of their valuables.


  • Bree
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