
Summary and history

Myrefall is a large heavily fortified city housing the noble houses of old. Imposing walls stand tall amidst the surrounding flatland, an unmistakable sight for travelers that make their way through the Realms of Men. Enemies of Myrefall can never rest easy as they gaze upon the shadow of the foreboding structure. In Myrefall, Noble houses compete for power perpetually, and only those that best the others in cunning or military might ascend to lead the city.

The Land

Amidst a great flat plain, Myrefall is surrounded by plenty of fertile farm land. This land is owned by noble houses who employ their own farmers to provide food for the city in order to earn favor.

The People

Myrefall is comprised of two distinct classes; the nobles and the peasants. Noble houses live in the safety and comfort of the inner walls, while a large number of peasants and working class folk live outside of the city. Each peasant serves the interest of a noble house, hoping to earn favor and perhaps one day be asked to serve as a servant in the inside. While there is a stark contrast between the rich and the poor, not all peasants live pitiful lives. There are some houses that are very generous and that treat their servants well. These generous houses are typically considered weak amongst their peers, and therefore peasants have a choice: be treated well by a weak house with little hope of obtaining power, or be treated poorly by a powerful house that commands respect.

On the inside, nobles live in a completely different world. Extravagant spending, luxurious parties, alliances regularly formed then broken, and a healthy amount of betrayal are all common occurrences. Unlike the Drow , blatant murder is heavily frowned upon and can lead to an entire house being thrown into the dungeons. The rich and powerful must use other means to gain favor.

The Leadership

Myrefall was always intended to be a society that operated through the collaborative effort of many noble houses. Inevitably, Human emotions like greed, anger, jealousy and fear led to the city's current state of political corruption. While there are no true ruling houses elected through law, it is widely accepted that some houses wield significantly more power than others. The most powerful houses of Myrefall are House Wilde , House Draven , and House Cassalanter .

Political power is typically acquired through the concept of favor. Favor is a common term used in Myrefall and generally means "approval". There are many ways of earning favor; trading goods, taking on a debt, helping another house take down a rival, sharing information, etc. Every houses approach is different and as the world and the city evolves in this modern age, so do the methods used to gain favor. Since the inception of Myrefall, one unspoken rule has prevailed over all others; watch your enemies close, but your friends even closer.

Law & Defence

As far as defence goes, Myrefall is considered an impenetrable fortress by most military experts. The almost impossibly tall walls were made with an unknown mixture of stone, metal and adamantine by The Stone Hewers . House Draven has Sorus' biggest military under their command; the Knights of Glory . Laws are enforced by the Knights of Glory, and new laws are voted upon by all noble houses, though houses with more favor tend to have the ability to sway the vote significantly. Voting with or against a house of particularly high favor is a political statement on its own.


Committing any crime within the confines of the walls is extremely dangerous in Myrefall, since most of the population are nobles, or belong to a noble house. Punishments tend to be harsher for that reason. Crimes on the outside of the walls are far more common, and are only brought to justice if they impact a noble house in any significant way.


Myrefall engages in trade with Riven, Norbury, Overhill , and Whitebridge. They export surplus livestock, grain and House Vynguard 's famous wine. While the city is quite self sufficient on its own, the vain nature of the nobles makes Myrefall a prime location for exotic vendors. These vendors typically trade within the inner walls during the day and camp out on the outside at night.


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