Riven Lumber Mill

The Riven Lumber Mill was opened by Doug Woods , the founder of Riven . This lumber mill has long served as the main source of income for the village, and most men in Riven work at the lumber mill.

Lumber Milling

After trees are selected for harvest, the next step in logging is felling the trees, and bucking them to length. Branches are cut off the trunk. This is known as limbing. Logs are taken by horse drawn buggy's to the lumber mill. Logs are scaled either on the way to the mill or upon arrival at the mill. Debarking removes bark from the logs. Decking is the process for sorting the logs by species, size and end use. A sawyer uses a head saw to break the log into cants (unfinished logs to be further processed) and flitches (unfinished planks).

Depending upon the species and quality of the log, the cants will either be further broken down by a resaw or a gang edger. Edging will take the flitch and trim off all irregular edges leaving four-sided lumber. Drying removes naturally occurring moisture from the lumber. This can be done with kilns or air-drying. Planing smooths the surface of the lumber leaving a uniform width and thickness.


Once lumber has gone through the mill, it is then shipped to Myrefall , Norbury or occasionally Whitebridge for sale.
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