
Summary and history

Riven is a lumber village and the smallest Human settlement. It was established by Doug Woods in 812AC and was on its way to economic prosperity. Riven is now a shadow of its former self, due to its high poverty rate. A large portion of Riven is permanently closed off in what is called the Quarantine Zone after an outbreak of Necrorot ravaged the village in 852AC.

The Land

Due to its unique proximity to both The Avaria and the mountains, Riven is usually humid and it often rains here. Riven is located deep in the woods and therefore is not an ideal place for farming. Food is typically imported from Myrefall Farmland in exchange for lumber.

The People

In the past, Riven was a small village that prospered under the rule of Doug Woods , the founder of Riven. Morale was high and economic prosperity was achievable by most citizens.

Nowadays, the people of Riven are mostly pessimistic and bitter due to the poor living conditions, the constant rain, and the recent Necrorot outbreak that decimated roughly half of its population. It is a superstitious village where news spreads quickly, as many citizens struggle to find entertainment aside from gossip. The vast majority of men in Riven work at the lumber mill. Most women become housewives or help around the lumber mill however they can.

The Leadership

The founder of Riven Doug Woods was beloved by all. He unfortunately passed of natural causes in 848AC and his son Rick Woods inherited both his estate, the lumber mill, and the leadership role.

Law & Defence

A small detachment of Knights of Glory have setup camp Northwest of Riven. There are roughly 50 armed men. They serve as the only means of defense aside from a wooden palissade that surround the village.


Since everyone knows one another in Riven, commiting crimes tends to give a bad reputation for both the criminal and their entire family. Though in recent times crimes have started to occur more frequently. This can be attributed to the poor living conditions; many rely on stealing as a means to survive. This as caused most of the villagers to grow paranoid and wary of one another.



Riven's only trade avenue is with Myrefall and Norbury. The Riven Lumber Mill provides high quality lumber to both cities.  



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