Brukenhaf Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Brukenhaf was built around the Shimmering Bridge and contains the largest port in Eastern Praedor. Brukenhaf attracts people from all over Praedor, and a variety of merchants pass through with all sorts of goods. This has led to Brukenhaf becoming one of the most culturally diverse cities in Praedor, though the Nordsee people are still the majority. 

Brukenhaf has developed their trade dominance through the creation of their power fleet. Using the plentiful amounts of sturdy wood from the nearby Hulmont Woodlands, Brukenhaf boasts a massive shipright industry. Brukenhaf ships are in high demand, and several wars have been fought with the sole purpose of capturing Brukenhaf warships. The ships are made using special magic to enchant the wood, and the mightiest warships can cost tens of thousands of gold. The constant flow of gold has also attracted a dark underbelly to Brukenhaf. While the wealthy live lives of luxury and greatly benefit from the profits, the heavy competition has led to many turning to shadier methods of profit. Whether it be dealing in contraband, or using force to edge out competitors, business in Brukenhaf is not for the faint of heart, and even honest merchants frequently need to hire extra muscle to secure the safety of a shipment. 

Brukenhafians are known for their shrewd negotiating tactics and eye for a deal. Many pick up mercenary work for a time to build up some capital and learn about the world, but most choose to return to a merchants life once they have enough to get a business started.


65% Human, 20% Halfling, 10% Elf, 5% Other
Founding Date
Year 2792 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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