Noromarda Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Located along the end of the Serpent’s Tail Peninsula, Noromarda is an Elf Supremacist city. Being conquered by the Praedorian Empire in the past planted the seeds of resentment toward humans, and a general sense of distrust toward other races, and the long lives of elves have allowed this seed to stay sprouted. A small number of humans are allowed to stay in order to maintain relations with the rest of the empire, but their rights are very limited. 

The city was originally a colony and maintained connections with other elven cities, but many feel that the other elves of the world abandoned them to the empire, and now refuse to deal with them. Even elves who have spent too long outside of the city are frequently viewed with suspicion. The city has a small population as a result of these views, but maintains its power through magical means and through connections with powerful fey entities. Some of these entities are of a more malevolent persuasion, and rumors persist that some of the city's leadership has formed pacts with devils, further driving people from the city in fear. The towns surrounding the city are held almost as slaves, as they are not all entirely elven villages. These villages pay heavy taxes, and are carefully watched by the city's military to ensure that people do not try to escape, though a number still try. 

The city does not produce many mercenaries. Many citizens view the rest of the world with disgust, and have no desire to traverse it. Though, as always, there are some that do not follow those beliefs, and attempt to leave. Not all escape, but many find that developing combat skills is necessary to survive, as the city brands them as traitors, and has on occasion sent assassins after them.


90% Elf, 5% Human, 5% Other


The city is governed by a nobility made up of the early leaders who officially broke free from the empire. The highest ranking noble, and ruler of the city, is the Duke. Various noble ranks are determined by a colored sash with Red sashes representing without land, blue sashes representing barons, purple sashes representing counts, and the Duke wearing a dark gray sash. Nobles are all responsible for collecting taxes over their own individual holdings, and hold the right of absolute command over the common folk, but each noble is just as absolutely bound to obey nobles with a higher rank than them, leading to many nobles forming factions underneath more powerful nobles for protection, as if they angered a noble of higher rank, and did not have a patron of a rank equal to the person they angered, the right of absolute command could demand their ruin. As such, few invoke absolute command on other nobles, though the citizenry have few protections against the will of whatever noble they live directly under.


The city maintains a standing defense force known as the Swiftblades, though they only number one hundred and fifty troops, they are highly skilled, and trained to travel far and fast without rest, so as to better work for the protection of the city. Noromarda is also home to many highly skilled spellcasters, and many of the nobility are trained in either swordplay, magic, or both. Aside from its military, the city is located at the end of the Serpent's Tail Peninsula, making invasion from outside forces quite difficult.

Industry & Trade

The city engages in fairly limited trade with the outside world. Most of the income comes from taxation, and many of the common folk are engaged in farming. One notable industry is the production of a rare beverage known as Elfwine. This wine is magically infused and enhanced, improving both the flavor of the wine, as well as the inherent magical talent of those who drink it.


Noromarda is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Odoris as it was originally founded in the year 983 of the Fourth Age, by an Elven man named Althtar Tenethis, as a colony for the larger Elven nation in Western Odoris. The original intention of Althtar was to create a city closer to the many different peoples of Eastern Odoris, so as to blend different cultures and create a safe haven for people of all ancestries, and for many years this was a success. Noromarda gradually grew into a center of cultural exchange, with people of all races contributing to the collection of music, artwork, and architecture that the city aspired to be. Syllia Chaemarris, an elven noble from the city, was even viewed as a hero, and important contributor to the founding of the Empire of Praedor, and as the Empire expanded many viewed Noromarda as an inspiration that all sorts of people could come together under one banner. 

This period of prosperity lasted until the year 2563 of the Fourth Age, when the Empire suddenly changed its relationship with the city from one of trade and friendship, to one of conquest. The armies or Praedor far outnumbered the forces Noromarda could muster, but the geography of the city and the skill of its defends meant that they would be incredibly difficult to truly conquer. Unfortunately for the city a portion of the human population revolted, and joined forces with the invading Praedians, allowing a force of invaders into the city and causing the city to fall. The shock of this betrayal struck a chord with many of the elves in the city, and this was only compounded by the fact that the other elven nations refused to lend support to the city, instead ceding it to the Empire. 

Though the years as part of the Empire were not particularly oppressive as the Empire generally attempted to integrate the inhabitants of the places they conquered, many of the residents still were outraged by what they saw as a complete betrayal of the ideals of the city. In addition some saw it as the humans having asserted their own culture over the elves, who were the original dominate culture of the city. Though there were few open revolts, this resentment quietly festered in a number of the elves, and this resentment was passed on to their descendants. 

During the fall of the Empire of Praedor in the year 3785 of the Fourth Age a revolt was led by Sivirel Tenethis, a descendant of the original Althtar Tenethis. Under Sivirel the elves reclaimed dominion over Noromarda, and ousted the other races from the city. The Tenethis reclaimed their leadership of the city, and began a policy of Elven Supremacy. Many of the districts that were built and inhabited by other races were destroyed or abandoned, and the population centered in the central district that was originally built by the elves. 

Today a limited number of merchants from other races are allowed to do business within the city. The city maintains a hold over a villages of other races near its border as well, but is not known as a kind ruler to those villages, and those found wandering lands patrolled by Noromarda without proper certification are arrested. The lucky ones are returned to the border, perhaps having to pay a fine first, but some find themselves imprisoned or executed.


The inner district of the city is the oldest, built by the elves who originally founded the city. This district maintains a distinct elven architecture, and is populated mostly by the nobility, and well off citizens of Noromarda. The outer districts were built during the expansion and occupation of the city, and contain a variety of architectural styles. Many of the buildings in the outer district were abandoned or destroyed when the elves retook the city, and so they are much more sparsely populated by the poorer residents of the city.
Founding Date
Year 983 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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