Port Limon Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Port Limon

Port Liman sits near an oasis in the Spellsand Desert, and hosts a variety of extraplanar entities. The strange arcane nature of the sands surrounding the city have led to a variety of entities from other planes occasionally being transported into the material plane. Several of these entities have become intertwined with the city, and their descendants make up the bulk of the city's population. Outsiders still regularly pass through the city and engage in trade, turning the city into a gathering place for all sorts, especially when its central location on the continent of Odoris is taken into account. Though the majority of the city's trade is with more benevolent entities, there does exist a more hidden underbelly to the city, where secret deals with demons and devils can be made. 

The city is very colorful, with multicolored towers and bright patterns marking different shops, especially in the Planar Bazaar found in the center of town. Similarly the people of Port Liman are known for their vibrant personalities. The city itself is friendly and welcoming to all sorts, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. Life tends to move quickly in the city. Anomalies in the spellsands need to be dealt with before they become a threat, and deals need to be made before outsiders return to their home planes. 

The Extraplanar nature of the city inspires a significant amount of interest in travel and seeing new things. A fairly high percentage of the population is born with some magical ability, which leads to many seeking out teachers or research opportunities. This results in a fair number of citizens setting out to become adventurers.


50% Oread/Ifrit/Sylph/Undine, 20% Human, 15% Tiefling, 10% Aasimar, 5% Other
Founding Date
Year 1207 of the Fourth Age
Large city
Location under

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