Paniscan Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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The people of Paniscan are known for their ambition, reminiscent of the time when the city was the capital of the Praedorian Empire, before the construction of the flying capital Cal Castrum. Paniscan remains the most populous city and its people most directly reflect the conflict ridden spirit of Eastern Odoris itself, with constant political games for power, and a determination to prove themselves greater than all others. Paniscan is home to many structures and institutions dedicated to advancement and fame including the Crimson Academy, a massive academy dedicated to the training of mercenaries, soldiers, and diplomats, The Dragonring, a massive coliseum that hosts a variety of gladiatorial events, and King's Castle, the old imperial palace where The Empire of Praedor was first born. 

Law and chaos remain in constant conflict in the city, as many hold true to the idea of imperial unity, but just as many are motivated by personal glory. Paniscan boasts both the largest standing army of any city, as well as the most mercenaries. Paniscan officials are well known for their efficient collection of taxes, and organization of regular patrols of the countryside, but also for their frequent backstabbing of each other and constant vying for promotions. As a result, the surrounding area alternates through periods of stability, followed by intense chaos, similar to Easter Odoris as a whole. 

Paniscan produces more mercenaries than any other city. Not just due to its large population, but because of the fierce national pride many citizens hold. Many set out to prove themselves and develop their skills. Some return to serve the city, others focus on personal glory, but spending at least a few years of life as a mercenary is seen as a rite of passage by many, especially the upper class.


80% Human, 5% Halfling, 5% Elf, 5% Dwarf, 5% Other


Paniscan government is based on the system of the Empire of Praedor. The ruling family has command of the city as a whole, and sets general policy, but various nobles manage much of the day to day affairs. The government of Paniscan is ripe with corruption and nepotism, and the nobles have divided themselves into various factions with different goals, but all fighting over political power. A complex bureaucracy is in place with many different officials and processes needed for most things, though much of these can and are bypassed via bribes.


Paniscan is protected by the Vi Murum, a highly trained guard force that operates through highly coordinated teamwork, and strict discipline. There are roughly two thousand members of the Vi Murum at any time.

Industry & Trade

Paniscan is the breadbasket of Eastern Odoris. The land surrounding the city is the most fertile in the continent, and this has allowed the city to flourish in terms of population. The city is also the most heavily involved in the business of mercenaries. The Crimson Academy provides training to aspiring mercenaries, and wealth citizens from across the nation send their children to be trained there.


Paniscan was a center of conflict since its founding. Located in the center of the most ideal farmland in Eastern Odoris, Warlords, Nobles, and Bandits have been fighting and raiding it since the very beginning. As a result combat was baked into the traditions and spirit of Paniscan, so it was no surprise when a charismatic and talented mercenary named Tycho Praedor took control of the city and declared his intention to build an empire. This is how the Empire of Praedor originated with Paniscan as its first capitol, from which the armies went out and conquered the surrounding lands, and eventually all of Eastern Odoris. 

Paniscan diminished in importance for the last thousand years of the Empire, as in the year 2752 of the Fourth Age construction of Cal Castrum was completed, and the magical flying city provided the Empire with a mobile capital, allowing it to better exert influence all throughout the empire. Nevertheless Paniscan remained an important training ground for soldiers, and was still a cultural cornerstone. It was during this time that the Darex family, cousins of the Imperial, came to power in Paniscan. 

When Cal Castrum dissapeared with the Imperial family, Paniscan tried to hold onto the empire and take bake its positions as capital, but other nobles also sought to take control, and even other noble families in Paniscan saw an opportunity to gain control of the city. House Darex managed to maintain command of the city, but the empire was swiftly collapsing and other powers were once more looking at Paniscan as an ideal target for raiding. Paniscan was able to gain control of a lot of territory due to its military might, but has become a hotbed of political intrigue as a dozen factions compete with each other for influence, preventing the city from expanding more.
Founding Date
Year 872 of the Fourth Age
Large city
Location under

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