Rochaferro Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Rochaferro is located on a small fertile floodplain between the Scarswe River and the Venmar Delta. Though not initially as diverse a city, the relatively small human population needed to rely on hiring mercenaries from the various mountain tribes in order to protect themselves from invaders and over time this eventually turned to many of those tribes permanently moving into the city. Over time the city became a very militarily focused one, that featured the best warriors from the mountains all working together. 

The fields and the mountains make up the two different sides of Rochaferro. The fields bring in food, but they are open to attack, while the mountains provide protection and ore to make weapons, but struggle to provide enough food to sustain the city. The city has two main tools to defend itself. The first are the river forts, tall towers designed to be easily locked down and held for long periods of time. This allows the city to receive an early warning of attack, and continuously maintain sight of any army trying to cross the lowlands. The second tool is the Wolfrider Corp. The dire wolves found in the mountains are large enough to carry a person and can move quickly, but are lighter and more agile than a standard warhorse. This helps the wolves maneuver both in the mountains, and in marshy wetlands near the fields and rivers. 

Rochaferro’s frequent conflicts have given the populace a fierce respect for the chain of command and a determination to do well in battle. Many find that they can get enough battle staying on as part of the city guard, but many find they do not enjoy the strict nature of organized military, or wish to fight for themselves, rather than in defense of a city. Some also see time spent as a mercenary as a way to train and learn new military tactics, so the city sees a small, but fairly regular number of citizens choose the mercenary life.


25% Human, 25% Orc, 25% Goblin, 20% Hobgoblin, 5% Other


Rochaferro is ruled by a military government, with its leader serving as both Duke and Commander of the military. Noble ranks corresponds with military rank, and each noble family is expected to maintain a certain number of troops and successfully protect the region. Nobles can lose their rank if they fail militarily often enough, but this does not happen regularly.


The city maintains 400 foot soldiers, and 100 Wolf Riders. The Wolf Riders are lightly armored and trained to move quickly, while the foot soldiers are heavily armored, and designed to reinforce an area once the wolf riders secure it. The city also has an extensive system of forts and watch towers along the river to watch for invasion.

Industry & Trade

Rochaferro is located off of the main trade routes, as few caravans are given permission to travel to Noromarda to the north, and much of the trade to the south heads directly to Paniscan. As a result the city regularly engages in raids into the territories nearby to secure resources it is lacking. The one industry that does draw some trade from the outside is dire wolf breeding. The tamed dire wolves that Rochaferro breeds are highly prized and very expensive to purchase, and the breeders are very careful to ensure that other cities are not able to start their own programs.


Rochaferro is actually a fairly young city, having been founded after the fall of the empire. The region was only settled under the later years of the Empire, and as such it was much easier for roving bandits and mercenaries to pray on the valley as there were few major settlements able to send enough guards to protect them. The city itself was actually a fort built by several groups of mercenaries who wanted to work together to defend the area. Overtime they realized that it was far more effective to hire the bands of orcs and hobgoblins that were leading the raids and provide them with food, than it would be to consistently fight them off. It took time to organize the different groups into a settlement, but each group respected strength, so military might was determined as the most effective way to earn status. Over time Rochaferro was able to expand its influence throughout the Ironglades, and although it has faced incursions from both Noromarda and Ordania, the city has been able to keep its borders secure, and develop a reputation for producing highly disciplined soldiers.
Founding Date
Year 4082 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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