Navicarcem Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Navicarcem was originally founded as a prison colony and still maintains the largest prison in Eastern Odoris. The prison, known as the Sunless Cells, tunnels deep beneath the earth, and has been the home of the most dangerous criminals in Eastern Odoris for millennia, and has maintained an unbroken streak of no successful prison breaks throughout its existent. The island is also known for its salvaging operations. Many of the islands inhabitants work as divers and spend their time combing the seafloor for shipwrecks, pearls, and shells. 

Navicarem itself has a small population, but that is in part because of the strong tradition of exploration that islands residents have built. Many residents leave the island when they are old enough to work on a ship either as divers, fishermen, merchants, or mercenaries, and only return when they decide to settle down and start a family. In some cases entire families will leave the island together when the children are old enough to sail. 

Though many residents of Navicarcem have participated in the conflicts affecting Praedor, few battles have taken place on the island itself. Though the island makes a solid naval base, the difficulty of holding the island without the blessing of its residents and the tendency for the island itself to keep out of the war has meant that only a few have invaded it, and even the successes have only lasted a few years at a time.


50% Human, 25% Halfling, 10% Gnome, 10% Elf, 5% Other


With most of the islands young population sailing the sea the island relies heavily on the prisons guard force, known as the Abyssi to protect it and enforce laws on land. On the sea the city boasts a large navy of volunteers who have been trained in naval combat in case of an attack.
Founding Date
Year 1342 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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