Indolium Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Indolium is a city dedicated to the gods. The cities architecture wildly varies in each of its districts as each has been crafted to match the god it was build for. Temples offer frequent services, and different parts of the city regularly shut down as they enter their times of worship. So much of life is dedicated to the worship of the gods that some of the most devout followers rarely interact with the other citizens outside of their faith. One of the most well know aspects to the religious life of the city is something known as the Path of Penance, a strange trial people can undertake when they believe they have committed some grave sin against the gods, and wish to redeem themselves.  

The city is also a major hub for the study of magic and history. Its famous Crystal Tower floats above the city, and provides a place for new students to practice their magic without fear of endangering the rest of the city, and the Tempus Imperium, and organization dedicated to collection and preservation of ancient relics. 

Most people in the city have dedicated their lives to service of the gods, even the nobility. The people of Indolium less become mercenaries, and more embark on pilgrimages to try and do good in the world, or serve the needs of their gods. Several have formed entire organizations dedicated to serving specific gods, similar to paladin orders. A number of former mercenaries also come to repent in Indolium when they feel they have committed a grave sin.


50% Human, 10% Aasimar, 10% Tiefling, 10% Dwarf, 10% Elf, 10% Other)
Founding Date
Year 162 of the Fourth Age
Large city
Location under

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