Flussufer Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Flussufer is a port city along the easternmost coast of Odoris. The city sits alongside Shatterpoint River, south of the Beast’s Brow mountains. Flussufer was originally the capital of the Nordsee Region, before it was conquered by the Praedorian Empire. Over the past few decades the city has declined somewhat due to other cities developing into more prominent ports, but it still is known for its storied history. 

The people of Flussufer are proud of their history and many see the collapse of Praedor as a sign that the empire was a false leader of the continent, and are determined to become the true leaders who are worthy to reclaim the empire territory. 

Though it doesn’t have easy access to fertile farmland, Flussufer is known for being a highly defensible location, with a wide river protecting it. Historically it was only taken due to a long march around Shatterpoint Lake. This event is a popular play portrayed as a great tragedy at the Grand Flussufer Threatre.


75% Human, 20% Halfling, 5% Other


The city maintains a standing army of two hundred soldiers called the Northguard. Most soldiers are trained in typical pike formation combat, but especially skilled troops are given special training to operate in the wilderness and withstand incredibly cold temperatures, allowing them to perform sneak attacks from the cold and icy waters of the Northern Lake, and wage guerilla warfare in times of war. Each division of soldiers is also assigned a banner wielder to boost morale and play off of the patriotism of the soldiers. The city also has several hidden forts built into the Beasts Brow mountain range, allowing for the population to make a retreat if needed. The most impressive of these forts is the Waldenfort, a massive fortress designed to hold the entire population of Flussufer at once.

Industry & Trade

The nearby forest of Walden's Wood provides a stable source of strong lumber to the city, which also serves as a valuable export. There are also a few small mines throughout the Beasts Brow mountain range. One particular industry that is especially important to Flussufer is the research and discovery of Artifacts relating to the history of the Nordsee people. Weapons of ancient heroes, statues from ancient ruins, and other objects connected to the ancient Nordsee kingdom as highly prized and purchased by the nobility of Flussufer.


Flussufer is the oldest city in the Nordsee region, and is one of the few cities on the continent that predate the Empire of Praedor. Flussufer was the capital of the Old Nordsee kingdom that existed before being conquered by the Empire. The Nordsee Kingdom was the first to unite all of the different Nordsee peoples, but never tried to expand further south. When the Empire of Praedor invaded the north in the year 1645 of the Forth Age, the Nordsee Kingdom fought long and hard to fend them off, but eventually each territory was eventually overcame, until only Flussufer remained. The people of Flussufer took refuge in the many castles and forts that filled the Beast's Brow Mountains. Even after the city itself fell, much of the population was still hidden, waging a guerilla war for decades after. While the Empire focused on integration for much of the conquered people, the leadership at the time viewed the Nordsee people as already conquered, meaning that the Guerilla remnants were not treated as enemy forces during wartime, but as bandits, criminals, murderers, and thieves, and faced much harsher treatment when defeated or captured. This continued for several decades after the official end of the war, until finally, in the Year 1874 of the Fourth Age, the last stronghold of the Nordsee king was found and destroyed. The last noble family of the Nordsee Kingdom, the Walderrs, were spared as an act of goodwill, but many would remember the years of fighting. 

The years of hold out created a schism in Nordsee society, while much of the nation had been conquered and Integrated into the Empire fairly easily, a large portion of it had stubbornly fought on, and this created two groups, one that had accepted and embraced their identity as part of the Empire, and one that still held on to dreams of rebuilding the Nordsee Kingdom. Over the next few centuries there would be occasional revolts, some small and easily quelled, some that lasted for months, many of these returned to the same guerilla tactics used during the first war. These became less common over time, but the desire for the return of the Old Kingdom never fully died out.   Flussufer was the first major city to break free when the Imperial capital disappeared, sparking the fall of the empire. The Waldherr family launched their campaign in full force, overwhelming the disorganized Imperial army in Flussufer in the year 3176 of the Fourth Age. However, despite the Walderr forces successfully driving out the Imperial officials, they were unable to rally up other former Nordsee cities under the banner of rebuilding the Old Kingdom. While different people were happy to use the opportunity to take power independent from the Empire, not many were as enthusiastic to trade out an Imperial leader for a king. The unity of the Nordsee people had been lost during millennia of Imperial rule, many were even loyal to the Empire itself, but this did not satisfy the Walderrs. Since the fall of the Empire Flussufer has repeatedly waged wage in an attempt to expand its holdings and reform the Nordsee Kingdom. They have managed a firm grasp on the Northeast corner of the region, but recent defeats have kept them pushed back and unable to expand.
Founding Date
Year 541 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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