
Niffleheim is one of the Nine Realms. It is situated on the lowest level of the World Tree along with Muspelheim. According to Asgardian cosmology, Niffleheim lies beneath the third root of Yggdrasill, close to the spring Hvergelmir, home of the Nidhogg.

The Aesir believe that Hel, the afterlife of the unworthy dead, is located on Niffleheim. It is important to Asgardian religion and culture, with the Asgardian year being mapped to the year length on Nifflehem. The Hrimthurs, the progenitor species of the Asgardians, are said to have originated in Niffleheim, making it the spiritual homeland of all Asgardians and Giants, and it is believed that this is why the souls of the dead return there.

It is largely uninhabited, and does not send any Congresspeople to the Congress of Realms.

Following her failed coup, Hela was imprisoned on Niffleheim by Odin. After Odin's death the spells holding her there failed and she escaped, waging a campaign of destruction against Midgard, which she believed was key to destroying Asgard. After her defeat, she was returned to her prison.

Included Locations
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Articles under Niffleheim