Congress of Realms Organization in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Congress of Realms

The Congress of Realms is a political body established by All-Mother Frigga at the request of Jane Foster. It was created in order to facilitate co-operation and diplomacy between the Nine Realms, especially for those Realms which are not part of the Asgardian Empire and therefore had little sway over decisions which affected the Realms as a whole.

The Congress has the power to create rulings, approve the appointment of planetary rulers (though in practice, refusal to approve a nominated ruler would likely lead to a recommencement of the inter-Realm wars that ended with the Pax Asgardia), send funding or aid to those in need (especially refugees), and negotiate treaties.

As well as representing the Realms, the Storm Giants and Trolls attend the Congress as 'unaffiliated races', since they have significant populations in multiple Realms, and have traditionally been self-governing, rather than owning alliegance to a planetary ruler.

While Congress is in session, all members are given lodgings in Asgardia, at the expense of the Asguardian Royal Family, though some members prefer to travel to the meetings by magic or via the Bifrost from their home Realm.


Each of the Nine Realms has the right to send two members to the Congress (though they may choose to send only one if they wish). It is up to each Realm to detirmine for itself how those Members are selected, and how long their terms should be. Although it is not a rule of the Congress, by mutual agreement no Realm has sent their Monarch or Head of State as a representative to the Congress.

In addition to the Realms themselves, individual sapient species with significant populations on more than one Realm can petition to attend as unaffiliated races. If recognised, they have the right to send a single representate to the Congress.

All debates are chaired by a neutral party - currently the possition is held by Lady Idunn. Although Vanir, and related by blood to the All-Mother, her reputation for integrety is such that her appointment was considered uncontraversial, and only the Dwarves raised any objection.

A 50% majority is required for most issues, with 2/3rds for the confirmation of monarchs or other government officials, and unanimous votes for any military action.

Articles under Congress of Realms