Reality Stone <WIP>

One of six Infinity Stones that grant their users control over some aspect of the Universe.

The Reality Stone allows its user to alter reality itself, break physical and metaphysical laws, and create pocket dimensions, although like the Power Stone, its full potential is accessible only when combined with other Infinity Stones. It also allows its user to view and access other dimensions, although using it to leave this dimension is dangerous, as, like all Infinity Stones, the Reality Stones looses its power when taken out of its home reality, meaning return may not be possible.

Following the death of Thanos, its location is known only to the Vision.


The Aether

The first known stonekeepers of the Reality Stone are the Dark Elves, who claim to have witnessed the Stone being created from Ginnungagap, although if this were true, it would make the Dark Elves the oldest known species in the galaxy, older than any of the Elders of the Universe and possibly older even than the Celestials, which is improbable.

The Dark Elves used the stone to create the Aether. There is debate as to whether the Aether is the stone, in a different form which allows it to be more easily utilised wthout access to the other stones, or whether the Aether is a containment device, similar to the Tesseract or Eye of Agamatto.

For the full history of the Stone between its conversion to the Aether and the end of the Korvac War, see: Aether.

Rediscovery by Bucky Barnes

When the Exiles discovered the reality created by Michael Korvac, Bucky Barnes found the Infinity Stone, which had become inert on being removed from its home reality, and reverted to its original solid form.

Not knowning what the stone war, Barnes picked it up. He was still carrying it when he returned to his home reality, after the rescue of Steve Rogers.

Infinity War

<Section under construction>
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Each Stone is totally unique
Containment Device
Aether (arguably)
Known Stonekeepers (in order of possession)
Malekith the Accursed
King Bor
Jane Foster
Frigga All-Mother
Michael Korvac
Bucky Barnes

Articles under Reality Stone <WIP>