The Infinity Stones <WIP>

The Infinity Stones are gems which grant their user control over some aspect of the universe. Their exact origin in unknown, but they are believed to predate the current Universe.

When together, the Stones form a network, enhancing and refining one another's abilities, granting the wielder almost unlimited power.

The only being known to have collected all six Stones is Thanos.

Following the defeat of Thanos, the locations of the Stones is known only to Vision.

Original Timeline

In the Original Timeline, Thanos was able to assemble all the Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet. He used the power of the Stones to destroy 50% of all life in the universe.

Shortly before the Time Stone was taken from him by Thanos, Stephen Strange used its power to view every possible future. Seeing there was no way to avoid Thanos's victory, he used the power of the Stone to send the conciousness of Tony Stark back in time to alter events and prevent Thanos from getting the Stones.



Their exact origin in unknown, but they are believed to predate the current Universe. The Gardener, one of the Elders of the Universe, has confirmed that the Time Stone was already considered ancient when he was born. This confirms that the stones are, at the very least, some of the oldest objects in the universe, although confirming their actual age has proved impossible.

Infinity War

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The Stones are considered to be one of the most powerful forces in the universe, secondary only the World Eater or the Phal'kon.

The Infinity Stones are unique and unreplicable within their home dimension, although each parallel dimension or timestream bundle contains its own Infinity Stones. The Stones are powerless outside their home dimension.

Item type
Each stone is unique.

Articles under The Infinity Stones <WIP>