Power Stone <WIP>

One of six Infinity Stones that grant their users control over some aspect of the Universe.

The Power Stone grants its user access to all energy that has or will ever exist. Although it therefore theoretically could grant its user unlimited power, or power any machine, in practise the Stone is highly unstable, and most beings cannot survive touching it for even a few moments. It is therefore largely useless alone, but when combined with one or more other Infinity Stones, it enhances and stabalises their powers.

Following the death of Thanos, its location is known only to the Vision. 


Early History

The first known Stonekeeper of the Power Stone was a Celestial, Eson the Searcher. He is believed to have used it to awaken infant Celestials, destroying the planets in which they had been hibernating in the process. It is unknown why the Celestials chose to give up the Stone.

The Stone was later used by nine powerful beings on unknown species, who attempted to divide the cost of using the stone between them, allowing them to safely access its power. However, this worked for only a few minutes before they were all destroyed.

At some point, the Orb was created, possibly by the native inhabitants of Morag in order to contain the device.

For the history of the Stone between the creation of the Orb and the Battle of Xandard, see: Orb  

Infinity War

<Section under construction>

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Subtype / Model
Each Stone is totally unique
Containment Device
Known Stonekeepers (in order of possession)
Eson the Searcher
Peter Quill 
Ronan the Accuser 
Guardians of the Galaxy (collectively)
Irani Rael (as Nova Prime)

Articles under Power Stone <WIP>